The bustling residents of New Manhattan go about their day to day lives unbeknownst the ongoing terror approaching them. Heroes and villains have fought in the past, but no villain could match the oncoming evil approaching. A rift opens in the Allen building and out steps a team of costumed gods. They exterminate all life within the building before toppling it and causing a chain of reactions akin to dominoes. They begin a rampage of terror across the world. The pitiful attempts of the superheroes along with the small amount of 'villains' who joined the fight do little to stop the pseudo-gods. The other villains either take advantage of the situation for a short while until the team of 'gods' exterminate them or try to ally themselves with the 'gods'. Only ending their fate as quickly as those who opposed them. The only survivor of the catastrophe is Robert Engstler, a 'villain' who only seeks the greater good for humanity. He quickly assembles a time machine with what little resources and time he has left before the 'gods' can make it to New Manhattan. He travels back to before the event to warn the heroes and villains, and gather them together to train and be ready for the oncoming evil.
This is an RP partly based on the DC comic 'Forever Evil'. I will be playing Robert Engstler and you are free to choose whether to be a hero or a villain. The roleplay will mostly be about the training of the group and will therefore involve more character development than action. I may throw in a few random events like an NPC being manipulated by one of the gods beforehand and causing trouble in New Manhattan that the group has to deal with.
- 1. Good grammar is a must
- 2. No one liners
- 3. Do not make an overpowered character
- 4. Put Ferry in your other section
- 5. My word is final
- 6. One paragraph (4 lines) minimum
- CS:
- Name:
- Alias(optional):
- Age:
- Personality:
- Appearance:
- Backstory:
- Powers:
- Weaknesses:
- Equipment:
- Other: