I have an account but I don't really use steam. My current living conditions don't allow for me to have a PC that can really handle games. I just use my five-year-old laptop for RPing. Once my lease expires in march, I'll be moving into my uncle's old place with better roommates, and I'll likely buy a nice PC and convert to master race. As far as Dave having feelings or not, I feel like cliched things like that are used because they are effective. However, I suppose turning them on their head and deconstructing the cliche can be just as--if not more--effective. Uffizi isn't responding to me, so I dunno what I should do with Ian. Maybe just have his team ignore Icarai for the time being. As far as their concerned, he's just some douche in a bar I guess. Tonight I'll probably write up a plotty post. If possible, I'll try to involve everyone in it somehow. Jones and Company, I'm not 100% sure how to sweep them into the fray (there isn't even really a "fray" to be in right now anyway).