Shiva hummed as she split her attention between recalling the Rahn'Masser and her healing task. She breathed in to speak when Telmeck approached. Shiva glanced up when he spoke, but he was nice enough not to startle them with his arrival. "Hello again, Telmeck. There's not much to see from this angle anymore, I'm afraid." Shiva said, shifting her fingers to direct the neutrium in another heading, "Rareth, I need you to hold your breath for a moment." Shiva was silent as she concentrated on shifting Rareth's ribs back into position. Rareth would hardly feel it due to the anaesthetic, but a sharp eye could spot the bones moving a tiny amount under her skin and muscle. It was a few seconds before Shiva fused the bones to the point of them holding their own in a stable situation like the treatment. "Okay, you can breathe again," Shiva said. Now all that was left was fusing the bones to full strength and cleaning up bruises. That required less precision, so Shiva resumed their conversation. "So, yeah, during the war, the Rahn'Masser were regarded in the same light as death spirits. If you saw them, you were already dead. No one in the sovereignty would admit they were afraid of you agents, but they secretly were. Our only solace was that there weren't so many of you that you could be everywhere on the theatre of war at once. I was never on the field against one, though. Not that I would know, really." Shiva shrugged, "Other than that, all I know about the Rahn'Masser is from you two." Shiva paused in her healing, changing her tone to be more professional. "Now, most soldiers I treat get upset if I heal their scars away. Admittedly most are from the Sovereignty, you might feel different. On the field I rushed with your epidermis here," Shiva gestured to the where the pattern broke on Rareth's scales where the puncture wound once was, "Do you want me to fix it for you?"