[hider=Pain] [b]Real Name (Optional): [/b]Hidan Yamato [b]Character Name: [/b]Pain [b]Age: [/b]17 [b]Gender: [/b]M [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YUSDuJ2.jpg[/img] He looks like this, without the leather belt/gunholder/whatever you want to call it and without the necklace. The yellow mark on his face is a scar he obtained before the game. [b]Beta-Tester?:[/b] Nope [b]Personality:[/b] Pain is possibly the most cocky person in both the Sword Art Online servers combined. He thinks that he can beat everyone in a fight, and he doesn't say no to a challenge. Pain is consider a pk by most players, because he challenges people to a duel at random places a lot of times, and he doesn't take no as an answer. Pain however hasn't killed anyone yet, though he came close to a kill a few times. Most of the time, he just beats people to the brink of death, and then he carries them back to town to heal them up, or he just protects them, giving them advice on their skills. Pain isn't considered bad or good by any factions, as he doesn't really help in bossing or clearing the floors, but he does train people with his duels. Even the PKers dont kill him, as he is a good target to practice against. So you could consider Pain as a respected player, but he isn't exactly helpfull. Besides being very cocky, Pain is also quite sadistic as you can see in his fights, where he sometimes acts like he will kill his opponents. Pain isn't in any guilds, as there is none that is worthy of him, according to Pain's believings. [b]Brief Real Life Background:[/b] Pain was a troublesome kid in real life, as he had mugged quite a lot people on the streets of Tokyo. He has spend a few years in jail for assaulting a police officer though, because he claimed that the police officer challenged him. Pain skipped school, and he wasn't exactly rich either. He used to join underground fighting clubs now and then, but he got bored there quite quick. Pain stole the Nervegear from a local shop just before release of the game, and he pirated the game, as he does believe videogames are a waste of time, but he still felt out like trying this game as a challenge. [b]3 Main Skills:[/b] Two-Handed Straight Sword Leather Equipment Parry [b]Special Skill?:[/b] Devil's Own: Pain can wear his Two-Handed Sword like it is a One-Handed Sword, allowing him to be agile even while wearing a two-handed sword. [b]Other Skills:[/b] Other skills you may have but aren’t [i]as good[/i] with. No more than three. Acrobatics Battle Healing Straining [b]Current Weapon:[/b] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/devilmaycry/images/f/f5/Rebellion_DMC4.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080424220152[/img] He currently uses this sword, called The Devil's Blade. It has a lower base damage than any other two-handed sword, but it is quite light, and the blade inflicts more pain than the usual one. [b]Current Armour:[/b] Same as the one in Appearance. [b]Play Style (Optional):[/b] Lone-Wolf, Duelist [/hider] Edit: I want to join btw