Once her internal injuries were dealt with, Rareth shifted herself on the cot, both to get to a more comfortable position, and to see how it felt when moving. Of course, given that she was still under the effect of the anesthetic, she was still numb, so she would have to trust Shiva that she was in good condition once more. After Shiva asked about the scar, Rareth nodded to her. "Yeah, go ahead and fix it up. Scars aren't really my thing. I've been scarred on many occasions, in many ways, but I always get them fixed up. There was a fad about a hundred years ago where they were in style, so I did have some for a few years, but I ended up getting them removed. I think my scales look much better smooth an uninterrupted." Rareth glanced over to Telmeck. She wasn't surprised he came to check on on her, though she had already said her injuries were not serious. She was not the type to lie about her wounds. Regardless, she could forgive him for being worried. "What about you, Telmeck? What do you think about scars?"