She gave him an incredulous look after he finished speaking.
Another moment of uneasy silence between them.
He had the feeling he said or did something wrong, again.
[b]"Uh...Did I say something wrong? Heh.."[/b]

At that moment, his ears and tail perked up. Detecting approaching footsteps at the entrance to the infirmary. He didn't expect what came next as the door was practically thrown open, causing him to whirl in place and take a combative stance. Ears pinned back, tail straight and erect, he squatted low and his stubby black claws stabbed through the bandages on his arms. Seeing the large, hulking frame of another stranger come through the door caused him to stop and shrink a little. The young man stopped in the door frame, wide eyes flitting from him and Ms. Rode as if he had walked into the wrong room at the wrong time.

[b]"...hey there,"[/b] the large young man said after a few moments of silence.
He came into the room, leaving the door open behind him.
[b]"Good to, uh, see you guys are okay."[/b]
[i]"Does he know me too?..."[/i]

Kuhaku cleared his throat and straightened up, forcing himself to relax. His claws retracted and tail resumed its agitated swaying. He didn't know why he was so jumpy. He chalked it up to his frayed nerves.

[b]"Oh yeah,"[/b] Ms. Rode spoke up in response to the newcomer.
[b]"We're just super, me with my broken rib, sprained ankle, black eye and a mild concussion not to mention all the little cuts and bruises. Then we've got fur ball over there whose only recollection seems to be his own name. We're sooooo totally fine right now."[/b] she practically spat at him, venom etched into her words.
[i]"Furball?[/i] he frowned.
Again with the unnecessary remarks.

Kuhaku quietly sniffed at the air. He got the feeling that her wounds were deeper than what she had mentioned. Deeper underlying scars. Maybe he pushed it too far by trying to interact with her. He would leave her be and give her deserved space. She didn't seem to be very happy with the whole situation as it stood, much less very friendly. During his youth, he learned it prudent to leave those kinds of people alone until they decided to come out of their shell. Whenever that may be, if at all. Maybe it would be something that could only come with time.

[b]"Right then,"[/b] the young man spat in return, circling them and taking a seat in a chair.
[b]"Taking it back. Not glad at all."[/b] he ended.
Kuhaku's frame shrunk a little as he looked from Ms. Rode to this stranger. There was a lot of bad blood going on here and it made him visibly uncomfortable. It was hard for him to make sense of anything that was going on. It was hard for him to remain positive.

[b]"Glad to see that you still have your fire, Rode."[/b] a booming voice said as a heavily armored...[i]thing[/i] stepped into the room from a freakin' open window.
Kuhaku nearly had a heart attack and bolted from the room, but froze in his tracks.
[i]"WHOA! What the hell is...WAY BIG!"[/I] he slowly inched towards the nearest wall, a bead of nervous sweat rolling down the side of his face. 

If he wasn't uncomfortable before, he sure as hell was now. Looking from the armored person to the other large stranger, he felt horribly small. He didn't like people or things that were larger than him. It made him feel subconscious of his svelte, feminine body. He had seen and known other Tiger Faunus and they were fortunate enough to be gifted with bulky, muscular bodies. He hadn't been as lucky when he was born, sad to say. Though, he was equally as strong and fast if not faster than his counterparts. He was tall, for sure. 5'11. Though not stick thin at 180 Ibs of solid, lean muscle. He just wished his body would allow him to be more 'beefy'.

He watched the armored stranger with wary eyes as he walked about, placing flowers in a vase and opening a box to reveal...a cake. Eyes and ears perking up, this stranger came bearing gifts. He started to slowly relax and wandered a few steps closer, away from the wall. The armored stranger moved about, rustling around for utensils as he then began to cut the cake he brought.

[b]"Make yourself comfortable Fulgurate. From the wounds on Rode and Shiro, they still need to recover."[/b] He said as he handed the other stranger a slice of cake.
[i]"Fulgurate? Is that his name?"[/i] he looked at the seated stranger.
[i]"Wait, how does he know my first name? Damn it, does he know me too?"[/i] his face slowly sagged into one of intense, hidden sorrow.
At that moment, the large armored whatever-he-was, approached him and handed him a slice of cake. Reaching out for it, he looked up at the moving suit of armor and back at the cake.
[i]"For me?[/i]" his eyes asked.
The suit of armor then smiled at him, and he reciprocated it in kind. His face immediately brightening. He determined this creature to be friendly and graciously accepted the cake.
[b]"Thank you."[/b] he was grateful. However long he was out for, he was sure as hell starving by now.
[b]"Nice to see you alive partner. But you shouldn't pull out the IV from your body like that. You're going get an infection."[/b] he motioned towards Kuhaku's mostly bandaged arms.

Blinking, he looked at the site of the IV and looked up, grinning and ruffling his white fur (hair) in response. The moving suit of armor then walked over to Ms. Rode and handed her a slice.
[i]"He called me 'partner'..."[/i] he mulled over that comment for a while.

As he returned to his hospital bed to plop his behind onto it, he curled his legs underneath him indian-style and took a bite of the cake. His ears and tail perked up, it was delicious. Swallowing the bite, he looked at everyone in the room and wondered with bright eyes as he posed his next question.

[b]"I'm sorry everyone, but...Do I know all of you? Do all of you know me?"[/b]