Name: Huxley Fairbrook Faction: Rangers Age: Appears to be in his late twenties. Gender: Obvious Appearance: Huxley is fairly average in his appearance. He stands at about five feet and ten inches tall, he has short; straight; boring brown hair and brown eyes. he seems to be fit and in good health, but not particularly so. On the left side of his neck there is a large, red lump in the shape of a square that is kept covered at all times with either a turtle neck else a hood.casually Hux wears a turtle neck shirt and plain pants. There's no reason to stand out after all. In combat he wears blackened leather armor though notably he has steel armor covering his forearms. Personality: Huxley is a perpetual schemer. Outwardly he is charismatic enough. fast talking, quick witted, a bit of a joker, but on the inside its plan within plan within plan. Plans for his next mission, plans for escaping the room he's in, for orchestrating the murder of everyone he knows, for crushing the rebellion, for overthrowing the empire. For a crook he is very orderly. Most people will notice this in the morning when he checks all of his equipment and readies himself for the day in an almost zen-like state. If you work with him he has already made it very apparent to you not to interrupt him in this ritual. Personal History: Huxley's earliest memories are of a tube of green slop, specifically one that he was on the inside looking out. Its more of a vague vision really. After that Huxley remembers waking up in a warehouse with a strange square red lump on the left side of his neck. He got up, wandered around a bit and was confronted by a worker who was in the mind to get Huxley arrested for trespassing. the amnesiac quickly convinced the worker that he was inspecting the warehouse for the empire. At least long enough for him to make a rapid escape into the city streets.With nowhere to go and no money to his nonexistent name he turned to thievery. It seemed a natural decision, as if he was already inclined to it. Pick pocketing and petty theft led to fellow thieves and fellow thieves led to bigger jobs, more money and better equipment. He was not always fond of the people he worked with, but eventually after several 'accidents' his crew was entirely made up of a loyal agreeable lot with Huxley at the helm. Meanwhile Huxley had ulterior motives to continue his operations. Every house he robbed every item he stole was an attempt to find out what happened to him. was he made. was he an amnesiac tested upon by some cruel authority? He never did find out. They were a scourge upon the wealthy for some time before eventually the law caught up with them. Most were executed, but a few, Huxley included were given the option to live in return for pledging their allegiance to the empire and devoting themselves to eradicating the rebellion. Naturally he agreed. Since then he's been something of a nightmare to the rebellion, blowing up supply depots, stealing intelligence, the usual really, but with a more military orientation. Skills: Huxley worked his own way up from the criminal underworld and quickly learned to bluff his way out of what situations he could, pick pockets and locks. As the years went on he was a part of and planned greater heists, learning his way around the sword, firearm and explosives to keep on top of the law. Additionally he learned a great deal about black and grey markets, research gathering, scouting, wall climbing and general stealth during his time as a thief. His talent for thievery and close quarters combat has actually translated well to demotions operations, stealing rebel plans and equipment, wet-work and breaking strongholds. Teigu: None currently.