[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Infirmary[/h2] As Gren explained the situation, mostly for Shiro's benefit Sapphire got a clearer picture of what was going on. Not about the fight, Sapphire was well aware of what had happened in the tunnel though Gren's rendition made her out to be more of a hero than was strictly accurate. He spoke as if taking out the combat mech's main weapons was some sort of death defying risk but as those weapons were incapable of locking onto Sapphire thanks to her semblance till seconds before she started ripping them to pieces the risk had not really been her own. Sapphire realized as Gren continued to speak that he felt guilty about the outcome of the battle. Somehow he'd managed to convince himself that the end product had been his fault not hers. It explained the cake, the celebration but quite frankly the notion was ridiculous. She'd collapsed the tunnel, she'd failed to escape. Her injuries were the fault of no one but herself. However she wasn't likely to argue that point to anyone or even admit it to be true. On Gren's part it was known as Survivor's Guilt, the one that escapes a dangerous situation unharmed feels responsible for those that did not. Sapphire decided that wasn't something she should mess with. Of course she easily could, pushing those particular buttons was easy but the line between guilt and grief was a thin one and she didn't have the right to be messing with either. It was best she just let it be, the last thing that anyone in Gren's position wanted was someone telling them it wasn't their fault. It was best just to let some time pass and after a while what he considered his failure wouldn't be such a big deal anymore. Gren helped Shiro back into his bed and prepared his IV tube. He seemed ready to do the same for Sapphire however Sapphire was long past the point where anyone got to tell her when she needed to go to bed or have someone tuck her in. Rather than take the bed whose blankets Gren had been kind enough to put back on Sapphire very firmed sat herself down in one of the visitor's chairs as Gren finished his speech. She was starting to feel inadequate as a leader despite his looks Gren seemed to know a lot more about what they needed than she did. As if to expound on that point Abel fired something that sounded like an ancient proverb at him. Sapphire looked at him, rolling her eyes. [color=0054a6]"Thank you very much for that piece of fortune cookie wisdom Fulgurate."[/color] She inclined her head in a mock bow. Had she been less damaged she likely would have stood up and gone for a full curtsy but she didn't think her ribs or her ankle could handle that right now. Sapphire first became aware that something was wrong with Shiro (or at least something more wrong than she'd previously noticed) when she heard the splat of his cake hitting the floor. At first she thought he was merely clumsy, leaving her considering what a waste of perfectly good chocolate cake that was but it became apparent very quickly that something else was wrong. First as Shiro collapsed out of bed clawing his way towards various things. He looked like a blind man. What really worried her was when started to paw at his weapons. By the time he got to violently ripping his hospital gown to shreds and dawning his battle gear Sapphire had moved into action. Even with a sprained ankle she was relatively fast. She didn't go to Shiro's side, which would have been useless. Whatever was wrong had clearly gone way beyond talking him down. Sapphire made a beeline for the storage cupboard in the rear of the infirmary that held the various medical supplies that Beacon's hospital staff might require at any given time. She tore it open. Unfortunately there were any number of very small bottles, all nearly identical. She ran through name after name till she found what she was looking for, a tranquilizer. If they were going to be of any help to Shiro at all first they needed him to calm down. This was the best solution. He'd be much calmer after being sedated. Sapphire retrieved a needle from a nearby drawer and used it to draw out a small dose of the tranquilizer. It should be enough to knock him out for a few hours but there shouldn't be any lasting effects. She limped back to where there group was congregated at a surprising speed given that one of her feet couldn't take her full weight. By the time Sapphire returned Shiro was curled up in a corner looking for all intents and purposes like a caged animal. Just as Sapphire got there Shiro made a break for the window hopping to the ground and out of site. The battle wasn't over yet. Sapphire looked out the window in the direction Shiro had fled then down at the ground beneath it. It would take too long to make it there by exiting the building. Sapphire looked down again gauging distanced. It was fifteen maybe twenty feet to the ground, soft landing. In her full form she could make the jump easily. Sapphire glanced down at her chest where she could feel the steady pulse of a large bruise cause by a broken rib. She conceded defeat. In her condition the jump would likely put so much strain on her rib that it would tear muscles, it could do all kinds of damaged, punctured lung, maybe even spinal damage, not to mention the havoc a fall from this height would wreck on her already damaged ankle. With some difficulty Sapphire backed off from the window, as much as she hated relying on other people now was the time. Shiro was a member of her team, she was the leader which meant if anything happened to him she would be held responsible. If a member of her team ran from the infirmary in the middle of the night and they didn't take every effort to find him she could forget about being a Huntress, she'd never be allowed to return to Beacon. She looked at both Abel and Gren. [color=0054a6]"I-I can't chase him, not like I am now. You're going to have to go after him."[/color] Sapphire shoved the needle into Gren's hand. [color=0054a6]"That's a common sedative usually used by vets. The infirmary keeps a stock of it cause it's more effective on faunus than other types. If he'd still acting like he was just now when you find him, dose him, it should keep him under for a couple of hours."[/color] Based on what he did to his IV tube at least some of that breakdown likely had to do with a phobia of hospitals. [color=0054a6]"Something tells me he doesn't like hospitals, probably some bad memories..."[/color] it wasn't like she didn't have her own unpleasant experiences regarding hospitals, they were just too sterile, you never could shake that smell. [color=0054a6]"When you catch him, it would be better he not have to come back here, the dorms should be set up by now and as far as I know he doesn't need any more physical med help."[/color] She was not going to bring up the fact that he needed serious psychological help. That could wait for another time when seconds didn't count. [color=0054a6]"He ran west, towards the dorms and the mess hall."[/color] Sapphire couldn't be completely sure given that she didn't know Shiro too well but his reaction were not dissimilar to her own when she suffered a panic attack caused by her own fear of drowning. She couldn't say for certain but it was an educated guess. [color=0054a6]"If I'm right he's going to head for somewhere open, somewhere he can see the sky, lots of trees, grass that sort of thing. And he won't be able to get far. He might've looked alright but he'd not, if his injuries don't get him exhaustion will. He won't be too far, now get going. We're on the clock."[/color] She added as an afterthought. [color=0054a6]"Set you scrolls up on conference call so I'm in the loop."[/color]