[center][b]Lucius Fairfax – Inside Gregory (the town, not the man)[/b] [i]2 days after meeting Jones and Co.[/i][/center] Lucius sat up against a wall, his legs tucked warmly inside his sleeping bag. A couple of feet to his right was the pub’s fireplace, and much to his bliss it was keeping him sufficiently warm. This wasn’t an inn, there were no rooms for guests, but many paying customers littered the small L-shaped room in a desperate bid to escape the storm and catch some sleep. From what Lucius could tell the entirety of the small village had decided to abandon their homes and take refuge in The Duke’s Head. It appeared that either their own homes lacked adequate protection against the elements, or they feared that others might try to take their shelter by force. “What the hell are you playing at Joop?” came a disgruntled patron, “You can’t just allow any old outsider in here! They could be murders, rapists, or spies!” Lucius tried to ignore the large man, but it was clear the complaint was being directed at him. “I can if they’re paying Vinnie!” came a voice from beyond Lucius’ vision. Vinnie was a youngish man and very heavy set. He had a bald head adorned with small scars. And it was clear by the black veins that ran along his forearms and circled his eyes, that he was reasonably burdened. Lucius subtly grabbed his machete beneath his sleeping bag and prepared him to roll out of it if need be; he never zipped it up in case of situations like this. “Fucking traitor!” Vinnie sorted before turning back to Lucius. His eyes drifted lazily about, unable to fully fix on his target, suggesting to Lucius that the man was drunk. Vinnie slipped from his seat and stumbled towards Lucius before taking a knee. The drunkards friends watched closely, waiting to pounce if need be. “I can tell ya know…” Vinnie let out a snarl and a burp, “You’re gonna be a pain in the arse.” Lucius tensed his arm in preparation to thrust at Vinnie through the sleeping bag, but fortunately the man just smiled before returning to his friends. “Come on Vinny, stop playing around. We need to get moving.” Grunted one his friends. It was safe to say that Lucius didn’t drop off to sleep until long after the men had packed up and left. Why would anyone be mad enough to go out in this weather though?