After he asked the question no one answered but suddenly aunt Yuna pushed through the group, she dropped to her knees and carefully brushed the shattered glass away from the head Of the statue. "Valefor..." Yuna said softly as she watched the color continue to return now half of the torso was colored Yuna looked back at the group and said . "What happened." With a stern voice as her eyes rested upon him. Gippal tried to explain what happened but then Sena yelled out in a strange voice "Comeback to us!" Then a moment later the room was filled with blinding light. At which when he opened his eyes he saw that the fayth was repaired and the statue was full of color again. He noticed now a little girl standing above the glass. Yuna began to speak to it though they couldn't hear the replys. How could they come back? Yuna sent them 20 years ago. He watched as tears came to his aunts eyes as she turned around as the fayth faded away after she bowed. She then asked the blonde if she was. Lablanc's daughter, wasn't Lablanc the one who got in the way all the time during mothers travels? He remembered some stories of her stealing things from their airship. She had a daughter? Who seemed to have an attitude like her mother from the stories he could remember. She then told her she was the next summoner. She then asked Sena if she knew her from somewhere. "I ... Know you as well. I can't say I've met you personally before, however..." After a moment the blonde stammered out,"Yes...Leblanc is my mother...but...wait..wha...wha..what? Summoner? Wait, no, no that can't be right...there ARE no more summoners. Eternal Calm..." She stammered out, the confusion making her voice shaky and stuttery. "How can I...How can I be a summoner?" The blonde looked towards and raised a finger in Alexs direction "I TOLD you I wasn't an outsider!" To which Alex replied,"Oh yeah, guess Valefor is either drunk or your the only magical one. Yes, this coming from the girl who insulted his temple, whined throughout everything then stupidly stomped on cracked ice. Good choice Valefor, good choice." Alex said sarcastically before huffing as she walked to the exit. The room was silent for a bit. Gippal new he should just let Alex go when she was mad it was best to let her vent for a bit by herself. So he decided to add in," summoners where here long before Sin was ever around. Maybe they just decided to come back?" At which Yuna looked to Tidus and shook her head. "No... Fayths shouldn't come back on their own accord. Well with out reason. They came back because something is about to happen to Spira. I know it." She looked at Isabeau and continued." All I know is that Valfore picked you out of the group to summon her. You are going to need some guardians now." She looked at Gippal and said "looks like I am coming with you to Luca now. I have to speak to your father." Gippal nodded and looked to Urick who nodded his head then looked to the blonde before he could speak though he saw Sena drawing out her two black katanas and turning to Leblancs daughter. She walked to her and got down on one knee, holding both katanas to the ground. "Please," She half begged, half stated. "Take me on as your guardian, Lady... Isabeau." She beat them to the punch."My name is Gippal, this here is Urick. We offer our services to be your Guardians until we figure our if there is another Sin or not." He said with a smile. After they would introduce each other Tidus would speak up and say"let's get out of here. Before anything ELSE happens." With that he and Yuna ushered the group back with Yuna still being a little out of it thinking why would the fayths come back.