Juno frowned when Belle leaned back in her seat. Damn that Adam, escalating the situation. Juno decided to ignore Litheal and Ricki for the moment, this situation was far more serious. It would simply not do for them to all get fragged before they even had their first mission. It would definitely kill any chance of Juno getting out of this hellhole. The heroine froze when she heard Jaymi's voice in her head. Using her limited mental training she did her best to block him out from further incursions and gritted her teeth. It unnerved her that someone could look into her mind like that. To pierce into all her secrets and feelings. Juno decided she had to be careful around Jaymi. Juno smiled at Belle and a small hardlight puppy manifested in her lap, yipping happily. It was a yorkshire terrier much like the one she had as girl. Instead of brown and black fur, it had white light but Juno had constructed the field to have a similar texture to the real thing. The dog placed it's paws on Belle's chest and licked at her face with a bright tongue with the warmth of a sunbeam. She hoped the girl liked the gesture. Juno wondered why she was so concerned about her, it was simply unlike her. Juno flashed white as she rose from her seat and floated above the floor of the cruiser. Juno kept her voice restrained but authoritative, "That's enough Adam. You're supposed to be a professional. Keep this up and you'll cause a catastrophic malfunction. I've had enough of this alpha male posturing. Fenrir is team leader not you, so suck it up and be a big boy without having to resort to threats." Juno glanced at Fenrir, "Jaymi's right, we have to be calm and we have a job to do. We won't make it five minutes if we don't get it together. So please, let's try and put whatever personal BS we might have behind us and focus in on the job."