Fenrir’s eyes widened in surprise at Adam’s words. It took a few seconds for him to fully process what had happened. Had Warpath really just threatened to kill him? The professional solider, trained to always be in control, had shown less restraint than he, the savage and uncontrollable beast!?! A red mist descended once more but this time he stopped trying to control his fury, instead allowing it its head. The Wolf within knew the only course now was for physical confrontation, to show this foolish challenger his place in the social hierarchy, which was firmly below Fenrir's own. The call of the wild demanded violence. He stalked after Warpath, increasing his pace to catch up. His fingers began to lengthen, nails growing and hardening into vicious looking claws, mouth distorting as his teeth becoming fangs. There was no growling or snarling now, mere silence as he prepared himself for the kill. [I]Guys. Lets just calm down and relax please. We have somewhere to be. . . [/I] The voice of Poltergeist, ephemeral as a half-remembered dream, sounded in Magnus’s head. The words echoed though his mind, reminding of who he was and what he was doing. He stopped in his tracks, ashamed at what he had nearly done, at the fact that after all these years the monster inside him still had such a powerful grip. Not that Adam was blameless, but Fenrir was supposed to be the leader, and should have done more to diffuse the episode. At least Poltergeist was already livening up to the expectations held for him [I]Good work Jaymi... Thank you.[/I] . Fenrir wasn’t sure if Jaymi was still in his head, but he hoped the telekinetic would understand how grateful he was for his intervention. Juno was playing peacemaker now too. At least she had a level head. She admonished both Warpath and Fenrir, and while he felt his back go up at her words he accepted what she said as wisdom. There was a job, and if they couldn’t even get on the plane without incident then what hope had they on the field. He nodded to Twilight, a seed of respect for her taking root as he boarded the cruiser, making his way to the pilot seat. Molotov, Madcap and Blink had arrived by that stage, the cruiser taking off shortly after everyone had seated. The Hub’s water facing false wall folded into itself, allowing the cruiser to hover through, Fenrir flicking on the active camouflage, enabled by Martian stealth technology, protecting the craft from any prying eyes. He skimmed the water for a hundred meters before engaging the main jets, the carrier building speed and altitude steadily until he had broken the skyline. It was almost five hundred miles from Bludhaven to Metropolis, but at the speed the carrier was travelling the Outsiders would be there in less than ten minutes. Fenrir engaged the autopilot before addressing his team. “Roughly fifteen minutes ago the Royal Flush Gang was spotted in Metropolis.” He didn’t bother explaining the Flush gang, their members, or their MO. Each member of the Outsiders had been given extensive files on all the foes they’d be likely to face, the RFG amongst them, with strict instructions to study the information in preparation for this event. The only person who hadn’t received the files was Belle, and she wasn’t going to need them. “Their target is Lex Luthor.” Again, he didn’t explain who Luthor was, figuring that if they didn’t know that then they probably shouldn’t be here. “Our mission is to intercept and apprehend the RFG, while protecting Luthor.” He turned in his seat to face Molotov, knowing of the pyrokinetic’s history with the Metropolian. “I repeat, we must protect Luthor, despite our feelings on the man himself.” “Luthor was last seen in his penthouse atop Lextower, while the RFG was spotted entering the sewer line a block away from Lextower. They will be starting from the bottom and working their way up, disabling security on their way. We will enter from Lextower’s landing pad and move to meet them before they reach Lex.” “Any questions?”