Leaning against the hind wall of the VTOL, Johnny watched the commotion between Warpath and Fenrir, it was clear they both wanted to assert how powerful they were, classic 'alpha male' mentality, Molotov felt no need to prove himself to his fellow team-mates, as long as he got the job done he couldn't care less what the others thought of him. When Juno nodded at him Johnny raised a single eyebrow before returning the nod with a condescending smile, upon Juno confronting him about his cigarettes the one placed in his mouth went up in flames before turning completely to ash. "How stupid of me, smoking near our child soldier could be bad for her health. Cigarettes are dangerous for children but sending them to fight 'super villains' that's fine." Johnny then turned away from Juno indicating that she wasn't going to get any more conversation out of him. Johnny didn't care about Juno's family name, she was just another delusional cape. Hearing Jaymi's voice in his head Johnny scoffed, [i]the man says nothing to anyone and the first thing he says isn't even face to face[/i]. Apparently the display of who could be more of a paternal figure to Belle had come to a close and things were going to start moving. As Fenrir began to brief the team on the mission, Johnny was on board right until he heard who they were defending. "Luthor! You expect us to defend that corrupt power-hungry wretch? After all he's done?" Johnny's fists clenched and his sickly eyes seemed to become lively. Lex Luthor was responsible for everything that had gone wrong in Johnny's life, he'd sooner melt him into slag than save the man's life.