Adam had to close his eyes and calm his mind with meditation. As the Germanics and Celts of ancient times, he had temporarily given into his rage and that wasn't an effective way of getting what you wanted done. He heard Jaymi voice in his head telling them to calm down and Adam felt uncomfortable having a voice that wasn't his own in his head. When Adam heard Juno make the alpha male comment, he snorted. [i]please like women don't do aggressive things[/i] he thought to himself, but didn't say anything so that there wasn't more conflict. He sat calmly and waited for the vehicle to take off. When Fenrir informed them about the royal flush gang, he quickly got his mind thinking and remembering what he had read about the Royal Flush Gang. They were one of the minor adversaries of the Justice League which was probably why they were being sent in to deal with them. "If I remember correctly, the Royal Flush Gang use mostly gadgets when they fight and Ace is a robot. I would say that out of all of them Jack and Ace may be the most dangerous, Ace has super strength and Jack has the ability to morph his body into a type of alien metal and can make dangerous weapons with it, if we split them up then they should be not too difficult to handle, like Julius Caesar we need to divide and conquer, I propose that we break up into pairs and try to separate a Gang member from from group to handle them. If they are entering from the bottom of Luthor penthouse then we should enter from the top and meet them somewhere in between the building, that will also give us a chance to get some information on Luthor" Adam said to them. When he heard Johnny's outbursts, he rolled his eyes, great they had one of those heroes, more undisciplined emotional metahumans. "We have a job to do and regardless of what any of us think of Luthor, we have an obligation to fight against crime and help people even if they are your enemy, the law is against the Royal Flush Gang and not Luthor" Adam said to Molotov trying to get the hero to understand their position.