Warpath and Bloodwalker ventured their own plans, both favoring stealth and subtlety over brute force. Good. It showed that they were, in this at least, thinkers. "Singling them out one by one is ideal, though they may not present us the chance. King is a tactician, and so far the gang has worked as a unit, unlikely to venture too far from one another. If we can split the herd then we will take our chance, if not we will be forced to overwhelm them with numbers." He left it unsaid that he didn't want to split his own force, at least not until he had a better understanding of how they would work together on the field. Fenrir was ready for Johnny's outburst. He would have been more surprised if Molotov hadn't said anything. Unsurprisingly Warpath took the opposing argument, standing with the law. Those two were politically, emotionally and mentally diametrically opposed. Though at this stage it seemed that most on the team were opposed to Warpath in some way or another. "I don't like it any more than you, but the mission is the mission. Deal with it, or stay on the VTOL." Johnny staying on the carrier was starting to look like the safer option if his reaction was any indicator, the burning in his green eyes giving even Fenrir pause for thought. If it came down to it he might be forced to stop the pyrokinetic from doing something stupid. However, Johnny claimed to be wanting to do 'the right thing' now, so if his desire was strong enough then he should be able to overcome his thirst for Luthor's blood himself. And if not? If his desire to change was too brittle for the task, or if Fenrir was unable to stop him? Well, just like the Wolfman had thought earlier, would the world really be worse off for losing Lex Luthor? He doubted it. "If it comes down to battle I want Stalwart and Warpath to handle Ace. Keep him on his toes and from protecting his allies. Blink, you take Ten. You're the only one that can hope to keep up with her. Molotov and Bloodwalker, handle Jack. Pour on the heat, and hope he'll melt. Poltergeist and Madcap, deal with Queen. Her Sceptre's illusions could disrupt our flow, but with your psychic abilities you should see through her." He also doubted that Queen's illusions would work on someone with Madcap's fractured psyche, but was unsure how the former terrorist would take that if he said it aloud. "Thorn and Twilight, you are both on support. If any of the others look like they need help then supply it to them. Your primary role though is to protect Luthor." He glanced at Molotov before adding "Against anyone." "I'll take King. As soon as he is down then the rest should crumble." [i]Like a house of cards[/i], he could almost hear Hellfire say. He missed his brother's terrible sense of humor at moments like these. The carrier was now jetting across the Metropolis skyline, beginning the approach to [url=http://features.cgsociety.org/newgallerycrits/g08/188808/188808_1187489777_large.jpg]Lextower[/url]. Fenrir hit a few keys, taking control from the autopilot. He began decelerating whilst dropping altitude. He made a few passes of the tower before going in for a landing, as he wasn't sure what kind of anti-air defenses Lex would have in place. Hawkman had assured him that the carrier was virtually undetectable to modern targeting technologys, but when Luthor was involved you could never be too sure. Despite his fears they made an unopposed, if rather bumpy, landing. He groaned quietly at that painful reminder of how badly he needed to get someone else to take over the piloting. He told the team to disembark, all save Belle, who gestured towards the cock pit. He sat her down in his pilots chair and pointed to a button upon the control panel. "This button. Press it if we do not return. It will take you directly to Carter Hall. He is my friend, and will take care of you." He backed away quickly before the girl could realize the import of his words, jumping down the exit ramp and locking the access port behind him. The betrayal of her trust stung at him, but it was preferable by far to what may happen if they brought her with them. Some of the Outsiders imagined Belle was to be some child soldier, that she would be their tiny terror on the front lines. It amazed him that they believed he would allow such a thing, that he would endanger her in such a way after the way such an upbringing had ruined his own life. Yes, he kept her close so he could protect her, but he could hardly do that on a battlefield. And even if she could hold her own, which she more than likely could, he still wouldn't let her do it. Maybe when she was older, and better able to make the decision for herself. For now she would just have to listen to him. Best not to dwell on it, he thought, and hope she manages to forgive him later. Instead he led the team on, headed for the roof entrance. "Those doors are liable to be locked. Warpath, hack them open. Failing that Twilight can prise. . . " He trailed off as he realized that something was missing. He hadn't noticed it at first, probably because it was one of those things that annoyed him so much about city life, but it was the distinct lack of the slight hum that electricity makes as it traveled the wires and connections all around him. A sinking feeling in his gut told him that this mission was going sour already. Increasing his pace he reached the doors, which opened with a slight push. "They've cut the power somehow." he grunted to the Outsiders. How they managed to do that to Luthor's self sustaining network was quite a wonder, though he had neither the time or intellect to figure out how they managed it. He'd leave that sort of technical pondering to Twilight. Within the building he could make out a dull pounding, like a distant hammer striking metal, and behind that the sound of muted voices, coming from the direction of Luthor's living area. That sinking feeling fell through the floor. "They already got to him!" he growled, stalking down the halls. His light steps made hardly any noise at all, though he couldn't say the same for all his comrades. As he got closer he began being able to discern what was actually being said. [i]"You might as well drop the shield, Luthor. Ace might not be as strong as the big blue boyscout, but he'll burst your bubble all the same, given time. And we have got a metric ton load of time. Ain't no one coming to help you."[/i] The speaker sounded gruff, like he might be a smoker. King? [i]"Yes, about that. I imagine you've cut the power to this level, isolated the alarms perhaps. Put the security feeds on a loop. The whats don't concern me as much as the hows. How did you get in here, I designed the security systems myself."[/i] This second voice was far smoother, like honey over velvet, but held an air of command and confidence. Someone used to getting his questions answered. Luthor, had to be. [i]"Check on all accounts there. And as to the hows, well that wasn't that hard, Lex my boy. Superman's been busting into this place for near on twenty years. Every time he does you have to redecorate, and you can't repair everything yourself. You might not make mistakes, but regular folk do. Someone left a chink in your armor. I exploited it.[/i] Fenrir had reached the double doors to the room where King and Lex were talking, the pounding, which was obviously Ace trying to break some shield of Luthor's, much louder here. The Wolfman waited for his team to arrive, readying for the attack. "Oh, and whoever's out there might as well go ahead and come in. I did set motion sensors, after all." Called King. Fenrir cursed his stupidity, but walked in all the same, the Outsiders fanning out behind him. The scene playing out before them was taking place in Lex's office. The room was colossal in size, modern minimalist in design. White, leather furniture and glass table tops were in abundance. A conference table with several chairs lay to the left, while a series of modern art sculptures that resembled melting obsidian pyramids where to the right, just beside Lex's cabinet of trophy's, his nobel piece prize proud amongst them. Behind a massive white desk stood Luthor, dressed in a casual shirt and slacks. The air around him shimmered slightly, like he was standing atop an air vent, which was obviously caused by the forcefield he had in play. The Royal Flush gang were spread out around him, better to cut him off if he tried to escape. Behind them all the back wall was no more than a wide window which afforded a spectacular view of the Metropolis skyline. "Fenrir. . . Twilight. . . Warpath." Muttered King as they entered, glancing at the rest of the heroes, no doubt wondering what brought them all together. He didn't waste much time wondering though, before returning to the task at hand. "I'd ask what you're all doing here, but I think that would be a waste of everyone's time." "You need to stand down, and we wont hurt you." Said Fenrir. Jack grinned at that, while Ace took a menacing step forwards. Fenrir ignored them, dismissing them as stooges, instead keeping his attention on their leader. King showed very little emotion, even accounting for his mask. "Hurt us?" he finally replied, ". . . What, like this!" With a casual smoothness that belied the speed behind it the King of Spades raised his rifle and fired a burst of rounds in Fenrir's direction. Though ready for a fight Fenrir was unprepared by just how casually King started. The bullets struck him in the head, making thunderous ping noises as they struck his Nth metal helmet. The Wolfman was punched from his feet without a sound, the rest of the Royal Flush Gang surging into the attack before Fenrir had even hit the ground. Ace picked up the desk in front of him and hurled it at Warpath, Twilight and Blink, who had clumped together, the android then charging Stalwart. Queen took a backwards step as she pointed her Sceptre, a thick mist materializing around the Outsiders, the woman herself fading from sight. Jack began laughing maniacally as he sped towards Thorn, his arms morphed into axe blades and ready to chop into the tree like hero. King strafed left, firing his rifle at Poltergeist and Bloodwalker. Ten was last to move, her expression conflicted, but after a moment of indecision she began speeding towards Madcap. She obviously meant to ram her target into unconsciousness. Molotov was momentarily left unmolested, no one and no thing between him and Luthor. "My hero's." Luthor snarked as the battle unfolded in front of him.