[img]http://i.imgur.com/BweINIf.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/zqgY04s.jpg[/img] As Fenrir went over the mission statement, Ricki began preparing herself for the upcoming battle. "Stupid Royal Flush Gang," she muttered under her breath. "Stealing my gimmick. Copyright infringe 's all it is." Ricki's mind had been rewired years ago causing her to completely forget that the RFG had in fact been around long before she herself had adopted her own costume identity. "I'll kill 'em. Kill and then I'll sue 'em." Unzipping her duffle bag she peered inside at all wonderful toys. Caring the entire bag into battle wouldn't do this time. Instead she opted for taking only a few weapons with her. The jacket she wore had hidden pockets which would allow the young to carry plenty of toys with her without wearing her down. One deadly weapon had been strapped into the jacket long before she had left her room. It's current weight informed her that it was fully loaded. The explosive balls and bobble heads in her bag were out of the question for she could find herself in tight quarters with her allies. Maybe next time she could blow stuff up. The cute and fluffy teddy bears would have to stay behind for similar reasons. Ricki grabbed a few of her playing cards and sheathed them inside her left sleeve. These were not your normal playing cards. Instead of paper these cards were made of metal, the edges razor sharp. Next, she pulled a set of chattering teeth from the duffle and sheathed them within her right sleeve. The teeth were somewhat larger than her own hand. Also made of a metal, when this chattering toy latched on to a person it was akin to being bit by a large canine. Finally, Ricki removed a joy buzzer and slid it over her left middle finger. The buzzer had two charges with the punch that equaled a common stun gun. She then unzipped the bag back up before placing it on the floor by her feet. "Poltergeist and Madcap," said the team leadr, "deal with Queen." Ricki smiled. She hoped to take the Queen on one on one. It wasn't due to any brier history. The vigilante just didn't particularly like villain's snooty look. "Her Scepter's illusions could disrupt our flow, but with your psychic abilities you should see through her." As the jet landed she quickly zipped up the front of her bodysuit and pulled her mask down over her face. With both hands grasping her punchline, Ricki tapped her feet on the floor with giddiness. "Oooo... time to play!" She followed the team, skipping along behind her leader. The power being out and the noise ahead only added to her excitement. Inside the vast office Lex Luthor stood alone against all five members of the Royal Flush Gang. Madcap smirked, admiring the power and the ego that radiated from Luthor. Then, the banter started. Madcap hated banter. When it was time to fight, it was time to fight. Questions and silly one liners were to be held for afterwards. That is, if there was anyone left alive. The self-proclaimed literally fired the first shot. Fenrir went down with a thud. Madcap kept her eyes on her intended target, giggling as the Queen activated her scepter engulfing the room in a thick mist. The Ace and Jack went after of Outsiders, while the King continued to shoot. Ten was left by herself seeming unsure of what action to take. The Queen thought she had made herself a ghost. But, it was all a trick. It's had to fool a trickster though, especially one whose perception of reality had previously and permanently been altered by all sorts of unknown chemicals and drugs years ago. Finally, Ten decided on a target. But, her hesitation left Madcap with plenty enough time to act. Reaching into her sleeve pulling out her playing cards. Running forward just as the youngest member of the RGF took her first step, the vigilante flicked her wrist sending the razor-sharp cards through the air like ninja throwing stars not at Ten who would most likely speed past them, but at her Queen.