At first Adam was baffled a bit by Fenrir telling him and Stalwart that they would be handling, he had thought the wolfman would have wanted to take on the heavy hitter of the Royal Flush Gang, but then Adam remembered that Stalwart had superhuman strength as well and Adam was use to taking on super strong foes, he was ready just like how Batman was ready to take on Superman if the need arose. "Got it sir" he replied to Fenrir's orders and then looked towards Stalwart. "I hope you're ready for this mission partner, listen to my instructions and we should have no problem with Ace" Adam said to the tall hero. Even though he hadn't had too much experience in teamwork with a group of superhumans, he had read enough and worked with government agents on missions to understand the concept of teamwork. After Fenrir was done with giving them orders, Adam saw that he was leaving Belle behind, it looked like the wolfman didn't want the child to be in the field as a fighter. Adam understood Fenrir's reasoning, she was so young and this line of duty was dangerous. Adam hadn't been allowed into the field until he was nearly an adult. When they entered the building Adam could feel that the power was off by the fact that he couldn't feel the electricity flowing through the building. This was confirmed when Fenrir also claimed that the gang had cut off the power. Before Adam could make a suggestion, Fenrir moved on ahead when he said that they gang already got to Luther and Adam followed after the wolfman. They eventually came to a pair of doors and Adam's superhuman senses could hear voices coming from the room. He then facepalmed when he heard King tell them that they had kept the sensors on and knew they were behind the doors, they should have been more careful, but it was too late now. He followed behind Fenrir into the room and saw the Royal Flush Gang trying to break into some kind of force field that Luther had created. Adam heard King mention his hero name and he smiled, so he was known amongst the low class villains well that was a start. When the King of Spades shot at Fenrir, Adam went into action and created a double barrel-shotgun construct. He would have aimed and shot at King had Ace not taken a desk and thrown it at them. He was trained to make last second changes in maneuvers and flipped in the air over the projectile, he hoped that Blink and Twilight would be able to dodge as well as he had done. When he came out of the flip Adam fired off two high-powered shots of energy at the robot, and fired off several more when he gracefully landed on his feet. These shots were concussive and would pack a powerful punch, Adam hoped that it would cause some damage to the big robot. "If you're going act like that then I'll have to teach you a lesson in surrendering" he said to Ace with vast determination in his eyes.