How the tables had turned, more or less. Isabeau was still confused, or more accurately she was overwhelmed. She had come to visit as a tourist and now, by some stroke of luck or possibly even fate, she was leaving as a summoner. And now, three of the four strangers were offering their services as Guardians. As the katana-wielding black haired girl approached her, Isabeau took a cautious step back, finally letting out a sigh of relief as the girl took a knee and offered her services. Isabeau didn't even know the girl's name, and yet, it was she that indirectly led them to this it would be accurate to say that this girl wishing, begging to be a Guardian was responsible for Isabeau's new position as a summoner. A fledgling one, but still a summoner. Before she could respond, the man named Gippal introduced himself and another named Urick, and they, too, offered to be Guardians. "Wait...I didn't even say I was going on a Pilgrimage or anything..." Isabeau sighed, shaking her head, "I don't even know any of you!" Somehow she knew, maybe because of lucky guess or maybe because of how quickly they came around, but Isabeau knew the three of them were not likely to take no for an answer. "Tch, if you want to follow me around, do what you want. Just don't be annoying or get in my way!" She nodded in triumph, her attitude returning almost as soon as it had vanished. And with another humph, she followed after Tidus, wanting to leave the temple behind for now.