When Warpath responded to Johnny's outrage Johnny turned to face him clearly looking furious. "The law isn't the only source of morality in the world, the man's responsible for poverty across the country, how many lives do you think he's taken with his corruption?" Quickly realizing that the entire team were staring at him Johnny just leaned back against the wall lighting up another cigarette. "I won't kill the guy... today, but if they have him against the wall, I might be a second too late." With that Johnny left the matter, he knew he'd be back for Luthor whether it was with the Outsiders or without them he'd make sure the man faced the ruin he had brought upon so many families in the world. Gazing out of the windows at Metropolis Johnny whistled to himself, this was a big change to what he was used to, he'd spent most of his childhood in hub city and then moving to Bludhaven, Metropolis was a stark contrast to the dingy homes he was used to. Everything looked so grand and affluent, he wondered how much the wiring in one of these buildings cost. Landing on the Lexcorp building Johnny disembarked from the transport, here he was. The belly of the corporate beast. Entering the room Johnny's eyes immediately met Luthor's, there he was, the man that had orchestrated ever bad event in his life. Johnny's introspection was interrupted by the sound of gunshots, immediately Johnny's cigarette completely burnt away as his hands ignited. One by one his teammates were caught in combat until Johnny was left standing on the fringe of the battlefield. Noticing Thorn carrying Fenrir Johnny was caught in a dilemma, his eyes flicked between Luthor and Thorn. With the flick of a wrist Johnny could take revenge for all that had happened to him, but at the cost of his teammates. With a sigh and a pained expression Johnny waved a hand towards Luthor's display cabinet without turning to face it, a jet of flame whirled from his hand towards the noble piece prize the display case immediately turning to ash followed by the metal glowing hot red and melting, a reminder to Luthor of just how fortunate he was that Johnny was with the team and not part of the gang. Immediately afterwards Molotov dove next to the now hulking Thorn and the unconscious Fenrir, creating a protective ring of fire around them he awaited an attack from the gangs 'Jack'.