Jaymi knew he would regret saying anything, or rather thinking it. Naturally, Fenrir thanked him for intervening which is one of the reasons he was on the team. The team leader needed someone to play Switzerland and mediator which made him feel awkward for the most part. It was something he would have to get used to. All the bickering amongst each other was not necessary when there were bigger things at hand to worry about. It was crazy when a verbally and physically abused victim had more sense than most of the others. He could feel eyeballs glare at him when others received his message. They didn't have to say a word. He knew they hated it, well most of them anyway. He turned to look at Ricki after she sat near him, only to immediately look away. Jaymi swallowed a huge gulp after hearing of her blowing planes up 'with her balls' while Tamashi had inferred something sexual for trade of not looking into his head. He didn't know whether to be scared of these comments, flattered, or feel sexually harassed. Although Jaymi just did what he did best. He gave them a long drawn out glare and looked away. He didn't want to encourage anything by responding. On the way to Metropolis, Poltergeist took the orders that were assigned by Fenrir. Him and Madcap were to deal with the Queen. It sounded simple enough if it wasn't for the fact he had to deal with her illusions to get to it. He had to admit his team leader gave him more credit than he deserved. This mission would really test his telepathic ability. Something just didn't seem right about this mission, however. He felt a huge not in his stomach like things were going to take a turn for the worst. After awhile, the team arrived at their destination on top of Lextower. Jaymi somewhat understood some of the other heroes when they were reluctant to save Lex, especially after everything he's done. However letting him get killed would spark a domino effect that would be disastrous for everyone. Poltergeist felt bad that they had to leave Belle behind, but he understood why. Despite her powerset, she was still a child. Exposing her to such danger would be careless. He exited the cruiser and followed his teammates into the tower, walking quietly to Lex's office. He could hear voices coming from the other end of the hall as did the rest of his team. Once they entered the office, they were face to face with the Royal Flush Gang. It didn't take long for King to open fire on the Outsiders, with the rest of his team following suit. Fenrir had hit the ground and worry immediately started to consume the telekinetic. Once he had seen that his other teammates were helping him out, he regained his focus. When bullets began to fly his way, Poltergeist levitated into the air to avoid any conflict on the ground. His first thought was to locate the Queen who had already went into hiding by creating a fake mist. He coated his skin of his body with telekinetic energy to keep himself from getting harmed while he had to do his main task. While his tactile TK was up, he began locating the Queen with his telepathic ability. He scanned every inch of the mist, trying to see if he could get into her head. Finally he heard the Queen going over different scenarios in her head, speaking really rapidly to herself. Looking down at the floor, he noticed Madcap had spotted her as well and immediately started throwing her cards at her. Following suit Poltergeist clenched his fist and shattered every piece of glass in the room at once. Before the glass could hit the floor, he made the pieces levitate upward which started spiraling around the young telekinetic like a cyclone. Raising his hand in front of him, he aimed the shards of glass towards the Queen and fired them like missiles towards her in perfect precision, hoping they would hit.