After fruitlessly pounding her fists against the door of the cruiser Belle ran out of steam. She settled for sitting on her ground, leaning against the door with a frown. Why had Fenrir left her behind? And why did he leave so suddenly? Surely she would have understood if Fenrir had told her that she was having the super important job of watching the cruiser. But he hadn't even said bye to her, or ruffled her hair. He just set her in the pilots seat and left. But then a horribly thought crossed her mind. What if Fenrir was mad at her? Maybe he was angry because she jumped on his back. He clearly hadn't seen her coming, maybe she had startled him so bad that he got angry. Or maybe it was because she got Adam angry at Fenrir. Or maybe it was because of that time last week when she hid a cockroach under his pillow. Regardless of the reason, Fenrir was mad at her. What if something horribly happened to him? It would be all her fault for getting him so angry. Oh if only she had followed behind him, he defiantly needed her protection. Belle, unable to stay still any longer, began to pace back and forth. She was having trouble understanding her own emotions at the moment, which wasn't all that uncommon. She was upset that Fenrir had left her behind after bringing her all the way to the mission site, and yet she felt guilty. As if something she had done had led up to this moment. But looming over every uncertain emotion was rage. Always the rage. Why had she been left behind? Did she not deserve to go with the rest of the team? Was she no more then a chore to baby sit? To be locked away in the cruiser until the adults were done with their work? The silence of the empty cruiser was soon filled with the sounds of snarls and growls. Something was replacing the gentle interior and exterior of the little girl. Dark fur sprouted out of her skin, her soft eyes turning menacing and yellow. Her teeth and nails began to extend, the later clicking along the floor of the cruiser.