Despite Tamashi's speed a red, winged, sword-wielding demon isn't the sort of thing most people would easily miss, especially if it was flying directly towards them. King leapt back, narrowly dodging the hell-beast's blade. The two were mere feet from each other now. The leader of the Royal Flush Gang fired two shotgun blasts at near point blank range at Bloodwalker's center mass. Queen wasn't a combatant, that much was clear. She was woefully under-prepared and under-trained for this match up. She felt herself safe in the bosom of her mist illusion, no thoughts spared to aiding her team mates, all except for King. She was in the process of working a similar glamour on her leader, bending the light around him so he would become invisible and allow the two to escape while their allies sacrificed themselves as distractions, when Madcap's cards struck her. Three cards sunk into Queens forearm, accompanied by meaty squelches, the razor edges slicing through the skin and tendon with ease. Lizzie Monahue screeched like a wounded banshee, dropping her precious Sceptre, the one thing keeping her in this fight. Her mist evaporated near instantly. Luthor's desk, Ace's makeshift missile, flew into Twilight's barrier with the force of a speeding truck. The flexible bubble gave a dangerous amount of ground, the table coming perilously close to striking Twilight herself, but stopped inches short from her nose. The bubble sprang back to its original shape with a *ping*, ejecting the table safely away to drop with a heavy bang upon Luthor's black marble floor. Ace himself carried on his bull's charge despite Warpath's concussive rounds, refusing to alter his crash course with Stalwart Defender, though he did seem to slow down fraction after each consecutive hit. The android was a cannier opponent than Stalwart had figured, refusing the grapple, instead going in low under the Outsider's outstretched arms, at the last second. The android shoulder-barged into Stalwart's pelvic area, the hero's mass, good footing and positioning negating most of the forward momentum. Ace's immediately set to attempting to lift and throw Defender over his shoulders. Stalwart had to act fast, or he'd end up on his back. Jack's axe-hands rebounded from the barrier Twilight had set around Thorn with a [b]thunk[/b] The liquid-metal man struck at the wall again and again, screaming profanities at the top of his lungs. Thorn's spores had very little effect, Jack's metallic nature meaning he required no oxygen to survive. Davey Magnus, seeing that Thorn had now joined Molotov, changed targets to the woman who had denied him his last victim. His body began to stretch beyond what was humanely possible, while his pink flesh, black clothes and dark brown beard all changed color to that of a dull iron grey. He kept elongating himself until he was well over twenty-five feet long. "You're gonna be my new squeeze, bitch!" He spat at Juno, before exploding into motion, coiling his long body around her like and constricting like a python around a wild pig. Meanwhile Ten ran straight into Twilight's other construct, the low wall meant to trip her. The speedster's momentum carried her straight through, the wall bursting into shards, but it was enough to unsteady and trip her. Ten wailed as she flew through the air, ploughing into Madcap who hadn't done enough to try and dodge the speedster in her effort to hit Queen. The two hit the floor in a heavy tangle of limbs. Poltergeist's shards of glass flew at Queen with a quaint whistling sound that belied their deadliness. Queen who had already shown she wasn't one who excelled upon a battle field. Queen who was already distracted by her wounds. She never stood a chance. The glass ripped into her like machine gun fire, tearing and shredding her until nothing remained but a wet red mess that vaguely resembled the person it once was. There was silence for a moment before what once may have been a hand lifted towards King, a pathetic mewling for help gargling from her once pretty face. It would be a miracle if she lived through the next ten minutes. Luthor, who had been watching his smoldering trophy case with a look of profound disappointment, turned at the crying to face Queen's mangled flesh. His eyes widened in shock for the merest of moments before he began to look at the Outsider's anew. His calculating green eyes concealed whatever thoughts lay behind them in that brilliant mind of his, but any who spotted that Luthor was really noticing them for the first time wouldn't fail to realize just how important this moment was. Fenrir began to rouse himself at that moment, slowly sitting up. His Nth metal helmet had negated the damage from King's high powered rifle fire, though the sheer force had near knocked him unconscious. "Urgh. . . " was all he managed to say before a section of Luthor's wall folded in on itself, revealing a secret entrance. From this entrance poured over a dozen of Luthor's personal security [url=]forces[/url], known as Lex-Sec. They consisted of former police and military professionals, all highly trained and each armed with plasma [url=]rifles[/url] and [url=]shotguns[/url] of Lex's own design, weapons made for high threat situations. These armaments were complemented by high yield stun batons. The commotion from the fight must have alerted the Lex-sec that something was up, but the speed with which they had reacted seemed almost super-human. "Protect Mr Luthor!" ordered one voice, as plasma fire began to scream across the office, indiscriminate as to the targets. A vast majority seemed to be aimed at Thorn, perhaps because he was the most monstrous individual in attendance. Five Lex-Sec pared off from the rest and headed towards Luthor. "About time." Muttered their boss.