Nyima listened to him as he said she was not ot get involoed in this way of life. He told her the consciquences of getting caught. She knew that though, Matsen had told her that when she figured out what he was and wanted to help. Now she knew why he was so against it to begin with. She held her arms around herself as she followed Rayn. She looked at the unconscious Matsen, "You would have been better off leaving him conscious..." When they reached the safe house, Nyima walked in and helped Rayn put Matsen on the couch. She sat on the couch's arm rest and looked at him, "They weren't going to catch him..." She looked at him, "Had it been anyone but you... I would have run... Matsen and I have discussed escape routes and sort... And they weren't going to figure out I was doing anything..." She her hands in her lap, "I mean... I been living with you for five months... and I started this within the first.... You never figured it out... Until now..." She held his gaze as she looked at him, worried, "Are you mad at me?"