Alzir's approach to the group remained more or less unnoticed until he was right up on them. Two new faces and Karnage, one of the Academies resident Demons. The combat instructors feet made no sounds as he glided across the floor over to the small group. Chimera, demon and human. He had no idea how he did it but it was easy for him to pick up on the difference even if he couldn't actually see the Essence. Fascinating how the young started out so oblivious to the world around them, it would change in time. For now he was content to simply teach them the first on many lessons. Pay attention class. Alzir approached from behind Karnage and took in the group. Young, that was for sure, as for Karnage it was always hard to tell how old Demons actually were. He'd left Lazarus to his usual brooding, the man needed to relax a little. Then again when you were so immersed in Necromancy that it became an obsession there wasn't all that much relaxing you could do. The poor man was still convinced he could raise his wife from the grave. Alzir had begged him to give up the task, but it had been of no avail. Alzir finally decided it was best to make his presence known to the group. "I trust the three of you are enjoying yourselves?" He stood with his hands tucked behind his back off over Karnage's left shoulder.