Juno felt a thrill of elation as her plans panned out. Sure Madcap was tangled with Ten but she was reasonably sure that the insane psychopath could deal with the speedster well enough. Thorn, Molotov, and Fenrir seemed to be out of the line of fire so that was another miniature win. She made a mental note to make barriers more rigid the next time a desk was thrown at her. Queen seemed to be out of the fight thanks to Jaymi but if they didn't wrap this up she would definitely not live to fight another day. Adam and Stalwart seemed to be holding their own against Ace for the moment.Just then Tamashi was shot twice with a shotgun and suddenly a whole cadre of Lex's personal army filed in and started blasting. Juno abandoned her other constructs to shore up her bubble against the plasma blasts, making it rigid and deflective. She wasn't sure if Blood Walker would be wounded or just killed and honestly she didn't really care all that much. She had her own problems. Like Jack deciding to make a bad pun and try to constrict her like a python. Her strengthened bubble resisted the constriction as Juno lessened the coverage and gave it more strength. Now her barrier was more akin to a large cocoon than a bubble, and slowly but surely Jack was grinding it out. The hero was glad she wasn't claustrophobic but as it was she'd have at must a minute before Jack would get to her and then she wouldn't have much time after that. Time for a plan. Time seemed to slow down as Juno's mind worked overtime. She could expand her barrier to push back but she was not sure she could overpower Jack's liquid metal form. She could shoot out lasers to cut the metal but making those kind of precision shots with a barrier and not her hands was chancy in her limited time. Juno could try flying into the nearest wall to dislodge him but that probably wouldn't do much and would strain her barrier even more. Juno could put everything she had into a huge blast of concussive force and heat, but that would probably kill everyone else in the room. If she couldn't push, cut,move, or blast him then she'd try something else. Juno steeled her mind and gathered her will and energy, her cocoon receding until Jack's twisting form was pushing right into her body, her white light a skin-tight field of energy that would soon break under Jack's efforts. With a shout Juno poured all of her gathered power and energy into making the field around her as hot as she possibly could in the shortest time she could do it. In a split second her glowing form was a miniature sun as her pent-up energy manifested as heat around her. The bright light lit up every shadow and blinded everyone nearby with it's radiance, those closest feeling the heat on their skin as Juno put everything she had into burning the bastard around her.