[b]Name:[/b] Gwynda Adair [b]Description:[/b] 35/F/Uponhill [b]Background:[/b] Gwynda Adair was born Gwynda Umbrahme, the daughter of the Erle of Tembree. Tembree was, in ancient times, an independent kingdom who's people subsisted off of fish, whale, and seal while their warriors ranged across the moors finding opposing tribes to plunder. Those harsh times came to an abrupt end long ago when the young Kingdom of Sorset invaded and swallowed the small, unpeopled moors of Tembree. This conquest had been achieved by a Sorsetii Queen named Athdara. The Warrior Queen's personality cult grew strong in this far off place, and it has remained the unofficial main religion of the Tembree people, who's provincial nature has largely kept them isolated from the cosmopolitan Ethahnic faith. Tembree's barrow-pocked moors and climbing basalt cliffs set the stage for her early childhood. Gwynda was a strange child, taken to fluctuating moods that she would later relate to the spiritual world. She was imaginative, putting stock in old superstitions and falling deeply into the Athdaric cult. At fifteen, she was married off to the young Erle of Siltbruce, Riordan Adair. The Adair clan came from ancient blood, and they trace their lineage to a time so far back that legend and myth are too mingled in the history to prove them wrong. Riordan had entered public life as a cavalry officer, and by nineteen he had already been inducted into the Society of Banshees - a secret society of distinguished Cavalrymen who marked themselves by making their faces ghost-white with cakey white powder, running lines of greasepaint below their eyes to represent banshee tears, and screaming in battle. Though his induction was undoubtedly due to his social status rather than any sort of veterancy - he had only fought in one pitched battle before being brought into the society - it was still a badge of honor he wore with great pride. Gwynda was happy in her marriage. The Adair clan only paid polite attention to the Ethahnic religion, attending more to a routine of traditional ancestor worship, and their lack of devotion allowed Gwynda to practice her particularly devout worship of Athdara. Riordan was a patient man and seemed to handle her flights of fancy well enough, and the Adair wealth allowed her to indulge these fancies with some extravagance. The couple had one son who they named Nevin, and two daughters who they named Blaire and Braithe. When the War of Brugii Succession began, the couple had not been wedded a year. At the time, it did not seem like the world-changing event that it would eventually become. Gwynda had always lived comfortably, and she had developed an ignorance of the outside world that made her way of life seem immortal. It wasn't until the second decade of the war, when it began to expand beyond Bruge, that Riordan rode off to war in an extended campaign at the head of a column of light dragoons. Gwynda did not doubt that he would return. Riordan participated in the charge that saw the death of King Brandon Aeloy, though Riordan was leading flanking maneuver meant to unhinge the enemy line while the King's men charged into its center and therefore did not witness the King's death himself. In fact, it wasn't until the battle ended that he learned what had happened. Like many of the noblemen, he was nervous about the new King Ilroy's ability to rule, but the war was still there to fight. Riordan was part of a mission to ride around the enemy army while the Battle at the River Tirus took place, and he returned home after it ended. Ilroy's death shook up the entire political world of Tirna-Sorset. The nobility saw in the rising Aenda an authoritarian who would usurp their ancient rights, and they supported the young King Michael in what ways they could. When the rebellions came, the Adairs sided with the true king against the usurper Aenda. Riordan rode to war again, and Gwynda was still absolutely sure of their safety. Riordan joined with the other members of the Society of the Banshee, who's peculiar cult-like rites and elitist culture sided them with the anti-Aenda faction. They hired mercenaries and attempted to join-up with the other rebels. They won several skirmishes, but when faced with the professional army in a pitched battle, they were defeated. Riordan was imprisoned, taken to the capitol, and executed on the steps of the palace along with dozens of other nobles. Gwynda's world was turned upside down. She fell into a deep depression, made worse by her fluctuating moods. She was imprisoned, along with her children, Riordan's sister Maude (who's husband had died in the early years of the Brugii War, causing her to move to the Adair lands), and Maude's children. Though they were not executed, the decision of Aenda's judges was hardly less horrifying. Nevin, Gwynda and Riordan's eldest son, was taken to a surgeons and castrated in order to end the male line of Adair's. Their lands were taken, and they were forced to join the settlers being sent to Uponhill. The Adair's live on a farm outside of the settlement, though they winter within the walls of Uponhill with the rest of the colonists. A winter fever killed Gwynda's sister-in-law Maude, leaving Gwynda as the matriarch of the family in exile. They are assisted on their farm with a small circle of servants and staff.