Thorn bellowed in pain as plasma bolts ripped through his wooden armor despite Twilight's best efforts to deflect the blows. Shrinking in size as he lost nutrients required to sustain his larger form, Thorn quickly rearranged his configuration in order to cover his wounds and remain in the fight. Armored from head to toe, there wasn't much he could do against Lex's personal security without mortally injuring them. Thorn had no doubt that each of their helmets contained a rebreather system rendering his spores moot against them and his thorns wouldn't pierce the armor. Had they been wearing kevlar, his thorns could pass through the layers of fabric like a needle, but the plates of armor didn't suffer the same weakness. Growing numerous bulbs on his chest and arms, Thorn began to hurl them towards the security officers and their guns. As they flew through the air, the bulbs exploded, layers of vines quickly growing out of them, ensnaring all they came in contact with. 

Pausing to absorb some of the sunlight that was able to freely shine into the room thanks to Jaymi, Thorn felt the bite of plasma and quickly went on the move. Seeing what had happened to the Queen, he sprayed her with a toxin that would one numb the pain and two, stabilize her hopefully until she could see proper medical treatment. It was no bark off his back if she lived or not, but Thorn at least wanted the record to show he had tried. Pausing again, Thorn could feel his strength slipping away as he couldn't keep regenerating at this rate without the proper nutrients around. Looking through the broken windows, he noted the trees outside and began to summon them. Branches forced their way into the room, as Thorn manipulated them, sending them towards the security team while spreading a maze of roots and vines across the floor to indefnitely slow down Ten. Jamming his arm into one of the main branches, Thorn felt the sap and other nutrients flow into his body, revitalizing him as he turned back to the fray fully energized.