Telmeck's gaze still hung over Shiva's hands as she went about her work and he listened curiously as she described her knowledge of the Rahn'Masser. It was interesting to hear her description of the Rahn'Masser, every Rothian held some respect for them and the work they did, but until now it never crossed his mind to ask what their past enemies had thought of them. Telmeck spared a glance up to Shiva's face, she certainly was different then most Sovereignty soldiers he had encountered. From his past experiences Sovereignty soldiers would usually talk about the war with a hint of passive aggression. She seemed to be one of the few that didn't, and for that he could respect her. He returned his gaze to her hands as he she went about her work. Listening as she asked Rareth if she wanted her to keep the scar or remove it. When Rareth asked him his opinion on scars he paused for a moment and looked over her scar. "I see no point in keeping scars. Maybe to some they can be seen as reminders or trophies, but to me there isn't a point in keeping them, they're just marks." He said with a shrug. He looked back towards the wound for a moment more before looking back to two of them. "So, I understand the wound wasn't all too threatening, but just how you were wounded. It didn't seem like a fusion or plasma wound, and if it was caused by a ballistic weapon it would be a bit more severe. So, I am curious, how did this happen?" He asked as he leaned back on an adjacent empty cot.