Unfortunately for Fenrir there was no response from the girl except for a low growl. The Beast had heard and smelt the stranger enter the cruiser. An intruder into her territory, a threat. Fenrir could likely locate The Beast easily from the direction in which the growls were coming from. She was perched on the top of the pilot's chair, as if she hadn't moved since Fenrir left her. The Beast snarled at Fenrir, perhaps a final warning before she pounced. She looked rather intimidating, surrounded by the damage she had caused to the cruiser. In the dim light of the wrecked cruiser her eyes seemed to glow. At this point it seems like Fenrir had two options. He could either attempt to fight The Beast into submission, and while this seemed like the safer and easier route it would no doubt still lead to injuries. Or Fenrir could try and pacify The Beast with words. This was far riskier of the plan, as Belle could not recall ever being calmed out of a rage. The Beast snarled again, suddenly leaping off the back of the pilots chair. She began to stalk towards Fenrir. He didn't appear to have long before she started attacking, so if he had a plan now would be a good time to initiate it.