Telmeck listened as the two explained what happened, their stories were for the most part the same aside from how the Masulu met his end, which didn't matter much considering, as Rareth pointed out, if he had survived that encounter he would be taken out by the forces sweeping the station. "Hmm, well it's certainly a good thing that it didn't do more harm. That was quick thinking using your telekinesis to fight against his attack. In honesty, it never occurred to me that telekinesis could be used in such a fashion. You magic users get all the fun stuff." He joked shaking his head. As Shiva prepared to leave Telmeck spoke up, "Before you go Shiva, I guess I should thank you. Threatening or not it was a good thing you were there. Your abilities likely were what kept this "Death Spirit" on her feet for the rest of the mission." He said as he gestured to Rareth, smiling lightheartedly as he did. "If this team does stay together, I can certainly say I look forward to working along side you." He added before he bowed his head respectfully toward her. Telmeck paused for a moment before answering Rareth as he thought of what exactly he should do. "Well, a shower certainly sounds nice, as does some food, I should probably drop off my equipment at the armory first though." He thought aloud, "Other then that I'm not all too sure, this is a decent sized ship, I'm sure I can find something to pass the time. Though, in all reality, I will probably just spend my time bothering you." He said with a joking smile.