Shiva was a little embarrassed about misremembering what happened with Rareth's assailant. She could have sworn that at least one of the squad had hit him with a shot, but Rareth was right, he did disappear. "Of course," Shiva responded to Rareth's request, "I will not be too long, I'm sure." By this point, Shiva had her lower arm guards and gloves secure, but only took one step before Telmeck halted her. She listened with a relatively blank expression, but not one of inattention. Once he finished, Shiva looked away and down, nodding. Telmeck's words meant more than he probably bargained for, but Shiva was honestly not used to the gratitude. "Um, thank you, Telmeck," She said humbly, before resuming her walk, "I'll see you both later." Once Shiva had her back to them, she wore a smile. The day had put Shiva in a good mood while she went about her business for the next hour or so. She started with a belated visit to the armoury. Honestly, she was surprised that Shuo wasn't still there wrestling with all that complicated power armour. She took the time to deposit her equipment, shower, and get a clean change of fatigues, before heading straight to her cot for a short sleep. Annoyingly enough, she couldn't sleep for much longer than fifteen minutes for some reason, so decided to find something to eat. The mess hall had masulu meals available, a serve of which Shiva was obliged. However, while she ate the other crewmen present shot her familiar suspicious glances. She moved one hand to rub at her convict mark sourly. It was the first time in years that she had forgotten it was there. The time eventually came to go to Rareth's room as she had requested. Shiva started with a knock on her cabin door.