Twilight's barrier flickered for a second and she dropped a few inches before floating. Pouring so much energy out in so little time wasn't a trivial move but she should be fine to continue the fight. Twilight calmed her breathing and smiled at Jack, "I'm too hot for you bitch." Juno held out her hand and a bubble wrapped around Jack and carried him off to a corner of the room away from the fight next to Queen. Juno floated over and did her best to help stabilize the villain. She honestly didn't care if she lived but expectations demanded she tried. Juno extracted as much glass as she could with tweezers constructs before she cauterized the wounds with low intensity beams and created flexible wraps to act as bandages over the worst injuries. Hopefully this would keep her alive until she received proper treatment. When she was done she created a dome over both of the villains to prevent their escape and being ventilated by random rounds. Juno surveyed the rest of the scene. Adam and Defender where bungling the fight with Ace and Juno decided that if the two of them couldn't defeat him on their own they had no business being here anyway. Besides she couldn't help everyone. Tamashi was locked in with King and he wasn't dead yet so she decided he could hold his own for a bit longer. Madcap was on her back against four troopers. She needed some help. Juno flicked her wrist and four tendrils snaked out from her hand and wrapped around their feet before tripping them to the floor in a pile of armor and guns. Juno flicked her wrist and four tendrils snaked out from her hand and wrapped around their feet before tripping them to the floor in a pile of armor and guns. Then Juno saw two Exos headed for Thorn. Her light tendrils snaked back and turned into a light fist that she smashed into one exo suit, sending it crashing into it's partner heavily damaging both and crashing them to the floor. Madcap and Thorn should be fine now. Then Twilight realized she had her own problems. One Exo-Suit charged up a shot and Twilight hurriedly created a barrier. Around the suit. The security guard fired as a bubble flashed over him. The force of the blast trapped in a confined space severely compromised his suit and Twilight used a thin and high-intensity beam to cut off the suit's legs and take him out of the fight. However Juno knew that if the mooks kept pouring in they might not make it out of here alive. She gathered the wrecked suit and as much debris as she could gather to plug into the secret entrance where the security forces were coming from, blocking off reinforcement for at least a little bit. Hopefully that would give them enough time to end this. As Juno smiled again in triumph she noticed the VTOL crashing outside the window. Her eyes widened in alarm as she saw Fenrir jump out the gaping hole in the building. No no no. She would not let the team leader, a ten year old girl, and perhaps the whole team die because their transport crashed into a building of civilians. It would ruin her reputation. Twilight zoomed to the window, knocking out more than a few mooks who didn't get out of the way fast enough and out into the open air. Juno saw that the VTOL was perilously close to crashing and with both hands she formed several strong tendrils to wrap around and trap the cruiser in place, all anchored to nearby buildings. She needed to deactivate the craft to stop it however. Gritting her teeth she maintained the construct and floated into the access hatch. Juno gasped as she saw Fenrir fly at Belle. A small square barrier flicked in front of Fenrir. It was single-use and simply designed to bounce him back. She then cast four rings around Belle in an attempt to capture her arms and legs and outstretch them. If she succeeded she would hand off the tiny terror to Fenrir to restrain her. She had no time for anything else. "Hold her down!" Juno had no illusions of her ability to talk down someone from a bestial rage but she was damned if she couldn't strap 'em down. Maintaining the rings and the tendrils, she floated to the panel and assessed the damage before attempting to deactivate the forward thrusters. Successful or no she then turned her attention to the wrecked stabilizers and with her technical know-how and application of low-intensity lasers she set about trying to either bypass the damage systems and activate back-ups or to weld the damage back to something resembling working order. She really hoped Fenrir could hold Belle down while she did this.