She looked at the unconscious Matsen, "You would have been better off leaving him conscious..." " I would have been better off leading you to another teacher." He snapped back as they ran to the safe house When they reached the safe house, Nyima walked in and helped Rayn put Matsen on the couch. She sat on the couch's arm rest and looked at him, "They weren't going to catch him..." She looked at him, "Had it been anyone but you... I would have run... Matsen and I have discussed escape routes and sort... And they weren't going to figure out I was doing anything..." She her hands in her lap, "I mean... I been living with you for five months... and I started this within the first.... You never figured it out... Until now..." He glared at her, as if that we as a Slap in the face. She held his gaze as she looked at him, worried, "Are you mad at me?" He placed his hands over his face and said, " of course I'm mad at you. I KNEW you were up to something in the second month. You be home just before me, breathing heavy, you would have dirt marks on your knees or elbows, nothing sort of practice or work. I just had no proof." He looked at her. "I've trained most of these cops. They are not your adverage batch of new recruits, they know ADVANCED earth bending, they are trained to catch things normally not thought of, I have to train them to the best of my ability or the chief will know something's up. " he stood up and said stay here till he wakes up then get back to the house." He pulled a coat over his police uniform and looked back at her." Tell matsen if he takes you out again, I'll arrest him and make him the fall guy for this months deaths." He said with a deadly tone. The rouges usually had one guy or more captured. If they were and proven to have killed the airbenders they were to take credit for the others. Didn't work every time butwhen they didn't have enough evidence to prove otherwise they would just add it on to it. He opened the door and slammed it shut. Running back to the crime scene he ditched the coat and placed his police hat back on and called in the murder. When the coroners came and other officers he explained he wounded the assailant but he slipped away before he could catch him. Which was hard to believe for the other officers, but he had to make up why there was earth bending damage in the alley. Later he came home, slamming the door and dropping his equipment on the floor before falling into the couch sighing as he did