As the fist of light crashed into the first of the two mechs taking both out, Thorn grunted his approval noting that Juno had aided him numerous times in the fight. After this a proper thank you would be in order but still locked in the heat of battle this was not the time nor the place. Raising an arm, Thorn forged it to a wooden point before extending his arm forward, rapidly increasing the velocity before piercing the armored shell of the crumbled mech. Splitting his arm apart to avoid killing the man inside, Thorn heaved back, pulling the mech apart to ensure it was actually down for the count. Pain suddenly radiated through his body as his arm was severed, the burning limb hurled across the room as flames began to steam from the stump and engulf Thorn's arm. Bellowing in pain, Thorn charged the second mech who had managed to stand and fire the shot. The two masses collided as Thorn began to grow his body, numerous tendrils extending as they intertwined with the mech, limiting its movement before eventually weakening and dislodging its limbs. Flames continued to multiple and soon Thorn was completely in flames, unbearable pain bringing him to his knees as the mech pilot ejected. Forcing himself to work through the pain, Thorn began to stumble across the room trying to gain momentum as he barrelled into the walls in hopes of finding and breaking a water main. Perhaps due only to sheer luck, the damage to the room had not prevented the sprinkler system from turning on and Thorn paused as the refreshing stream of water began to plummet from the ceiling. However it wasn't enough, and while the flames were diminishing, Thorn could feel the damage was done as the plantoid shed the burnt layers of organic material. A smaller version of himself emmerging from within the former husk. Smaller and more agile, Thorn quickly re-entered the fray having to now rely on melee attacks due to the lack of nutrients to create his projectile and other ranged attacks. Wrapping his arms and body around the necks of those he struck, Thorn quickly choked out several Lex-Sec before taking a survey of the room to see what was left. The Ace and King were still standing but hopefully sure to fall, but the team was looking diminished. It was only then that Thorn noted their aircraft seemingly flying itself outside the building. [I]Belle[/I] He shook his head, despite his first instinct being to help it would seem there was already enough of that out there. Those remaining in the fight would need his help, and besides someone had to ensure Luthor didn't have his security hide him away. Turning around, Thorn began to scan the room for the corrupt CEO just incase the millionaire had decided to take advantage of the chaos.