[quote=@NarcissisticPotato] What game is it that you're semi-professional in? :O [/quote] [quote=@harinezumikouken] Teflon? If Marcus needs a strong coating to withstand heat and stress for something, he could collaborate with Shiro. While he may not be as intellectual as Marcus, Shiro's familiar with weapons technology and things of that nature. Maybe try Cerakote. [quote=NarcissisticPotato] What game is it that you're semi-professional in? :O [/quote] Probably World of Tanks. [/quote] Yeah that was fairly predictable wasn't it? It is indeed World of Tanks. As for the teflon coated shell, it is not the teflon that worries Marcus. He needs to figure out how to prevent the acid it contains from blowing up when it's fired. The stuff's not very stable (it has to be in order to melt tougher stuff like bones or concrete). [quote=@Forsythe] Those are not [url=http://youtu.be/U9TgmDl368I?t=5m12s]mutually exclusive[/url] :D [/quote] :lol Anyway Marcus vs Geni is something I hope to make a lot of headway on tonight. Possibly another day before it's finished I think.