[quote=@harinezumikouken] What, Marcus is looking to fabricate an acid/anti-Grimm tank round or something? xD I can see the Geneva/Chemical Weapons conventions screaming now.. [/quote] The world of Remnant is a certified Death World. Despite access to morphing weapons technology, functional humanoid killbot drones, stable strong AI's (okay a prototype BUT on a human sized chassis), man portable rail cannons, networking technology, FUCKING [i]MAGIC[/i] and enough resources to build a fleet of gravity defying aerial battleships there are a grand total of FOUR stable kingdoms in essentially postage stamp sized areas relative to the continents they are on. The only reason these kingdoms can even survive is due to natural barricades keeping the worst of the Grimm hordes out. That whole spiel from 'This Will Be The Day' where it is spelled out that this world needs a great defender? That the world is unforgiving? Not hyperbole. Given half the chance, the world of Remnant will cheerfully strangle you with your own guts, proceed to tear out your eyes and then skullfuck your corpse. As a result expect a lot more 'Warcrimes? What're those?' inventions if/when the situation calls for it. That said, I do feel the show actually did a poor job of actually showing just how truly dire that situation is. EDIT: I realise I forgot to answer your question: Yes. He's working on a fluoroantimonic acid round. For reference, this stuff will melt through glass like cotton candy, just like flesh, bone, steel, concrete, etc. It also releases highly toxic clouds of gas when it does so, which is nice. It's for other Datura to take out both the big guy and whatever smaller spawn it carries in one shot rather than the multiple incendiary rounds he had to use the last time. EDITEDIT: I just realised that I had the 100th IC post. Woo!