Molotov's spiraling flame proved to much for the Exo-Suits system, machine and the man piloting it perishing as the battery exploded. He may of killed a Lex-Sec just doing his job, but Johnny's actions saved his teammates. A worthy trade? Stalwart and Warpath narrowly escaped falling through the hole they had made, though Ace was not so lucky. A metallic [b]'thoom'[/b] sounded through the dust and smoke, indicating the android had landed on the floor directly underneath them. Unfortunately the smog concealed Ace's position, and there was no way to tell if Warpath's shots were on target or not. Regardless, the Royal Flush Gangs strongman didn't instantly jump back into the fray, so there was that to be thankful for. The two Outsiders now had other problems though, namely the Lex-Sec bearing down on them. [i]"Stand down! we're the good guys!" [/i] ordered Adam, then firing off a barrage of shots. Lethal or non-lethal, the results looked much the such the same, several Lex-sec hitting the floor. The rest, galvanized by the apparent deception in Warpaths words, fired a barrage of shots, their plasma rounds being more than hot enough to melt metal. King cried out as Tamashi's fangs sunk into his arm. With all the armour he was wearing the teeth didn't enter very far, but it was still painful. The leader of the RFG began to struggle like a cornered rat, desperate to shake Bloodwalker off, but the hellbeast held strong. Things seemed desperate, until King seen Madcap raise the barrel of a captured rifle his way. He swung hard, twisting until Bloodwalker stood between him and Madcap. The female vigilante fired off a few shots that each struck Tamashi in the back or in the wings. The demon roared out in pain, letting go of King in the process. "Ace, now!" Ordered the King of Spades as he rushed towards the windows. Suddenly the floor below Ten exploded out, Ace bursting through. Before the confusion settled the android scooped the speedster up in his arms and chased after King. Together the two still standing members of the Royal Flush Gang leaped out of the window. For a few moments it seemed they had committed some grave, tactical mistake until their forms appeared on the horizon, black specs in the distance making their escape upon their playing cards. Back in the office Lex watched King make his unopposed getaway, a slight smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. With a slowness that would make an observer question his true intentions he turned back to the battle, gesturing the commander of his Lex-sec towards him. "Sir?" "Have the men stand down. These vigilantes are not a threat any longer." Ordered the billionaire. His commands were relayed around the Lex-Sec with remarkable speed, begging the question of why he hadn't instructed his guards not to attack the Outsiders in the first place. As Fenrir bounced into Twilight's square barrier he was momentarily both confused and enraged. His confusion faded when he seen Twilight float into the cruiser, his rage quickly following it when he realized she had helped subdue Belle. Thankfully this meant he didn't have to beat the young girl unconscious. Instead he shot forward, wrapping his arms around Beast while covering her eyes with his hands. He wasn't sure if that would have a calming effect on her at all. It wasn't as if anyone had ever tried it on his during one of his 'episodes'. No, he had seen a tv dog trainer do it to an unruly puppy, it seeming to calm the dog down. Twilight's efforts to stabilize the cruiser were having some effect, the VTOL slowly beginning to right itself, though her unfamiliarity with the alien design of the craft was impeding her. Fenrir, Belle dragged in tow, positioned himself behind Twilight and began to bark out commands, guiding her hand. Soon they had repaired the stabilization core. Twilight was then tasked with strengthening the bonds on Belle as Fenrir took his place in the pilots chair, flying the VTOL up to level with Luthor's office window. The Wolfman disembarked the cruiser and assessed the scene. King, Ten and Ace escaped, Queen and Jack horrifically injured, a huge swathe of Lex-Sec groaning on the floor and most of Luthor's office destroyed. So much for a quiet first mission. "Quite a scene," Came a voice at his side. Fenrir grunted before turning to face Luthor. "You're still alive." The Wolfman pointed out. "No thanks to you. I hope the League will be paying for all this." Responded Luthor, gesturing towards all the mayhem. His green eyes alighted upon his trophy cabinet. "And I would like a personal apology from 'sparky' over there. I know he melted my prizes on purpose." Fenrir was already walking away from Luthor before the billionaire had finished. "We're not part of the League. [b]Outsiders[/b], lets move out." The team followed his orders, trudging back into the cruiser, each alone with their thoughts. The Wolfman was last in, glaring at Luthor, certain there was something about this situation that he was missing. This puzzle was missing a few pieces. Resolving to figure this whole thing out he turned on his heel, one last remark for Luthor as he pointed at Queen. "Make sure she gets some medical attention." ----- The flight back to Blüdhaven was a perilous one. Even with Twilight's hack job, and both her and Poltergeist supporting the cruiser it was extremely evident that the ship was in desperate need of repairs. Still, they all made it back in one piece. "Ten minutes to shower and unwind, then we have a debriefing in the [url=]meeting room[/url]." Ordered Fenrir. He waited until the team were all off the cruiser before following his own advice, heading back to his personal quarters and taking a shower. The warm water helped soothe him, loosening his tense muscles and letting him order his thoughts. There was a lot of ground that he needed to cover with the Outsiders. This disastrous first outing was more than evident of that. He got out of the shower and toweled him self off, dressing in a loose fitting cotton tracksuit and white vest before heading for the meeting room. Again he was the first one in the room, and sat awaiting the team.