Nyima flinched when he said he was mad at her. She could hear the disappointment in his voice as he spoke. She sat there in silence, looking at her hands, as he talked about the police force that he had trained. She was going to say something, explain what they had in mind if they ever did get caught but she stopped herself. It wasn't going to calm him down any and she really didn't want him yelling at her. She only looked up at him when he told her to wait for Matsen to wake up before she went home. She stared at him when he gave a threat to relay to Matsen when he was awake. When he left she sighed, she took her water out and went about healing Matsen, in her mind he hadn't done anything wrong. When he woke up she told him what Rayn had said and apologized for getting him beat up. He quickly said it was nothing and he didn't even feel it. She giggled a little and shook her head. The two of them left the safe house and she returned home. She was making dinner when Rayn stormed, in slamming the door behind him. She looked at him, she had been scared before but that fear had slipped away as she stared at him. She shook her head, "You don't have to arrest him.... He isn't going to take me out anymore.... But that isn't going to stop me," She looked at him, "I'm done with being that scared little girl from the Northern Water Tribe... I thought you were going to help me stop being her but you were sheltering me just like my parents were. You're even making choices for me!" She threw the cloth she held onto the counter, "I'm going to continue to go out and if I get caught, so be it... But I am done being seen as some pathetic little girl who needs to be protected," she walked over to her room, "Dinner is on the stove," she said softly before stepping into her room and slamming the door.