[quote=@NarayanK] [h2][color=7bcdc8]Semblence[/color][/h2] [h3]Arbiter[/h3] Arbiter affects both Yukihisa himself and Masamune. Masamune is empowered with the ability to erase Dust and turn them into effective black holes that drag in other Dust particles. Yukihisa has a passively heightened nervous system that can only be manipulated by himself. When he activates Arbiter, Yukihisa gains the ability to strike through anything. When used against biological targets, the attack can slash through Auras or shatter it under certain circumstances. [/quote] Be warned! You are about to here the ravings of a mad man! In my opinion, the only real problem I see with the semblance is the ability to cut through or shatter auras. I mean there are 4 types of enemies that we would usually fight: Grimm, White Fang, other human/faunus beings and other students. Three of those groups can have an aura: White Fang, other human/faunus, and the other students. I am assuming that using the semblance against a student, no matter how bad or sadistic they are, is a huge no no. By cutting through the students aura, you are creating an instant situation where the student is taking true physical damage. Especially in a sparring match, like the ones we are going through now, you would either have to not use the semblance at all or only use when you opponent is not in physical range. Now, lets move on to the White Fang and other human/faunus beings. I don't really see a problem with the semblance in this case, but I would like to believe that most Hunters/Huntresses aim to disable a opponent rather than give him/her a potential fatal wound. Of course there are cases where kill or die applies, but wouldn't that be few and very far between? In the end I think it really comes down to the numbers. You will probably only want to use a semblance that cuts through aura against the Grimm, and other human/faunus bad guys. Grimms you will want to use it 100% of the time, White Fang 30%-45%, and other human/faunus 20%-35%. All in all you will most likely only want to use your Arbiter 35%-45% of the time. I would rather use a semblance that doesn't cut through aura every battle than use a semblance that does less than half of the time. TL;DR I like the semblance and I like functionality, but those two just don't mix.