The hiss of the door sliding opening caused Shiva to reflexively narrow her eyes at the hot air she had come to expect from Rothian rooms. She waved to Rareth as she was invited in. "Thank you," she said casually, both for the welcome and for the promise to change the temperature. It was too warm to be comfortable at first, but the controlled climate worked quickly to at least make it bearable. Telmeck was present, to which Shiva gave a polite nod in greeting. After looking around in the centre of the room for a moment, Shiva found a seat to occupy and held her hands in her lap patiently. The lonely experience in the cafeteria had brought her mood down a peg, so she wasn't very talkative. Fortunately, Shuo arrived before any awkwardness could set in fully. He sounded grumpy and he had a canister that caught Shiva's eye. It was labelled with something Shiva didn't recognise. "Welcome back from the dreaming cave, sir," Shiva remarked with a tight smile. Shuo had been so peacefully sleeping in their room that Shiva had almost not noticed him when she had walked in to grab a towel and a change of clothes. She couldn't quite understand how he could sleep so easily while she had trouble keeping her eyes closed.