[quote=@KatherinWinter] "No sparring. I you want that as an activity then please suggest it but you will not do it just to show off." The counselors scolded. [/quote] "Eh? It wouldn't be showing off. This is serious training! Family and personal honor are both on the line!" The overly-excited teen began waving both arms around in an attempt to express how important it was. "If the Lizardman King doesn't stay in perfect form, how can I expect to go home? I'll be ostracized!" Granted, it was a self-devised title, but it had taken such a large chunk of such a short lifetime to get it to stick. The hard-earned pride among peers...all of it would be useless if there was any slacking off here... ...Never mind the fact that a catnap had been the priority before the game; there were important things at stake now. "We can take it out in the woods during the break or somewhere out of the way! But, but..." The adamant teen floundered for a way to be able to go ahead with the match. One way or another, passing up this opportunity was not something that would be done easily.