[quote=@Alchemist] Katsumi then asked the conselers " what if they where to spar any way? Could you actually stop them? They seem powerfull enough to dissobey and if they did what could you do about it? It is not my intent to break the rules but you must give incentive to follow them or the rules would simply be ignored..." [/quote] "Oi, Christmas Tree. Stop making things worse!" Devon had almost been satisfied with the offer that the counselors had made before the green-haired dude decided to step in. At this rate, they might not even get the option as an activity! At the very least, that had been something, and even if the possibility of trying to spar in secret was open before, it was likely completely gone now. [i]Grr! What's the deal with him? You don't announce possible intentions like that! Or is he trying to make things difficult for me? What did I ever do to him?[/i] The teen scowled and turned away from the group completely, seriously irritated and no longer wishing to deal with any more. [i]Maybe he's just a troll. Great, I get to deal with them here, too.[/i] "Fine, fine! I'll behave, then! Let's just continue the game already since it's all we've got now."