Jackson was walking in down the halls of the school, wearing a plain black shirt, some dark blue jeans, and a hooded jacket with the hood pulled up over his face, wondering if he should be doing this. 'Messing with this stuff is what ruined my life in the first place, why am I risking it happening again by joining this stupid club.' He grumbled in his head, already knowimg why he was doing this. He needed this chance to be able to talk about his experience, hopefully helping him move on from what happened. And maybe, a way to get rid of [i]him[/i].

[color=9e0039][i]Ahhhh, don't you like my company, Jacky-boy, I assure you I have your best interest at heart. Just let me in to your soul, into your mind, and give me control.[/i][/color]

Aphosis' words slithered through his mind like snakes, but Jackson shook off the spirit's words, not letting it get to him. That would only make the situation worse, of that he was sure. 

Jackson soon found himself in front of the club doors and, after standing their for a good ten minutes readying himself, opened the door. He immediately noticed he was the first one to arrive. Fuck.

"Um, he-hello, my name is Jackson Ducarthym pleasure to make your aquaintence." Jackson mumbled, walking over to a seat in a darker section of the room. He pulled his hoid down over his face, only a few strips of his raven hair sticking out from underneath, the rest was of his features being hidden. Jackson hoped someone else would show soon,he wasn't good at starting conversation.