Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 6 days ago

It took them long enough, but it finally exists: a digimon MMO where you get to play as a digimon! Pick your Rookie, explore the continent set up for you, battle other digimon, collect upgrades, and become the strongest digimon on the server! You consider yourself a fan of the franchise and, hey, it's free to play. It costs real money for immediate upgrades, extra moves, and special second Megas, but it's still possible to be #1 without them. So of course you signed up. You've even met some other players of varying experience and befriended them. Sure makes clearing dungeons easier. It's a weekend when your group decides to try clearing one of the trickier dungeons for a band of under-Ultimate digimon. It's going fairly well. You've just opened the boss room to defeat the digimon within and get your reward. Only to discover someone else beat you to it. Someone that doesn't exist, and yet there it is. And now you're going to get a chance to play the game on a much more personal level...
Rules/information to keep in mind:
  • Of course, no powerplaying/godmodding. While I've yet to find any reason to ban a particular digimon, it should be remembered that their flavor text will not necessarily apply to their in-game abilities.
  • Be reasonable in your decisions. I won't punish you for whatever choice you make regarding the plot. I probably will punish you if you, say, provoke a notably more powerful enemy.
  • Don't expect a lot of gore/sexual content; most enemies are AI and computer models, and the same does apply to your characters. Swearing is acceptable - no server filters.
  • As the plot will be driven by your decisions, I strongly urge everyone to communicate, either via PM or in the OOC.
  • If you feel you can handle it, I will allow multiple characters due to the possibility of death.
  • I will handle digimon NPCs/item drops. Suggestions are welcome for items.
  • If you are a slow poster or unable to post for a while, please notify me.
  • PvP is currently banned. I'd rather no one had their character die on page 1.
  • The rules and available information may change, but I will post the changes before editing them in, and there will be no punishment for anyone who broke a rule before it was made.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Since they're in a Video Game, I take it the physical description is for them as a Digimon, not as a human right? Also, when listing the moves, do we have to list moves for each level of evolution, or just their Rookie right now?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 6 days ago

Yeah, for their digimon form since we won't be seeing a lot of their human form. As I noted, accessories do exist for the digimon avatars, so I figured it was worth adding in. I'd prefer moves for the entire line. If one of the stages doesn't have two moves (or moves that have no description anywhere), feel free to make something up. Though this reminds me, I forgot to include resources. Wikia, Wiki, and Dex.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Max Hudson Age: 21 Physical Description: (Pretend there's a purple scarf around his neck, and carrying a spear.) Personality: Max is a cheerful, optimistic guy who doesn't like to be bogged down with unpleasant thoughts. He enjoys laughing and making jokes with others, even in inappropriate situations. He is easygoing and friendly, which makes it easy for him to befriend people. He is really good at understanding other people's emotions, and is an emotional guy himself. He is not embarrassed to show his feelings. He cries when he is sad, and is openly affectionate towards those he cares for. He sometimes even flirts with guys he finds attractive, even if they're not actually gay. He just sees it as being friendly. He is driven more by his emotions than logic, and tends to act impulsively as a result. He does not think about how his actions affect others until it is too late, and winds up feeling bad about it afterwards if something goes wrong. Max is very sensitive, and is willing to be a shoulder to cry on, and give you some words of encouragement when you are down. It is very easy to get him to like you, and once he is your friend he will remain your friend for life. He will keep your secrets a secret, and will do what he thinks is best for you. When something bothers him, he will keep that to himself for fear of hurting someone's feelings. For him, hurt feelings hurt worse than a hurt body. Max is the type of guy that lives in the moment, and isn't one for planning for the future, prefering to deal with things as they happen. Max is a creative individual. His favorite pastime is drawing and painting, and he often be found dooding in a sketch book when he has free time. In addition to his creative pursuits, he enjoys Video Games, Anime, and other things that most would consider geeky. He also has an affinity for cute things. Chosen Rookie: Patamon Attribute: Vaccine Digivolution Line: Patamon > Angemon > MagnaAngemon > Seraphimon Moves: Patamon Boom Bubble (Wind) Slamming Attack Angemon Hand of Fate (Light) Omni Typhoon (Wind) MagnaAngemon Soul Vanisher (Light) Excalibur Seraphimon Strike of the Seven Stars (Light) Hallowed Ascension (Lightning) Items: A purple scarf around his neck, and some meat (2) Upgrades: Spear Specialty: I have no idea, honestly... Offense I guess.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 6 days ago

Alright, seems fine to me. Copy over to the character sheets tab when you can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

sorry guys working on my character sheet
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 6 days ago

Oh thank goodness That's alright, take your time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 6 days ago

I wasn't planning on being an active participant but it seems like it'll just be us three at this point.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rekker
Avatar of Rekker

Rekker Guilty Pleasure

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Might as well throw this one in the hat:

Name: Richard Cheese
Age: 15
Physical Description:
Personality: Very sweet, but also very peculiar. Has a distrust and intense hatred for fowl. He also lost his sense of smell at a young age and get very irritated at any reminders to that fact. He prefers rainy days over sunny ones, enjoys reading, often makes a point to spit when he talks, and likes video games. He had a rough start growing up so he typically never closes car doors when he exits vehicles, much to the chagrin of those who give him a ride.

Chosen Rookie: Gaomon
Attribute: Data
Digivolution Line: Gaomon > Gaogamon > MachGaogamon > MirageGaogamon > MirageGaogamon Burst Mode
Moves: Beast Attack: Attacks with a swift blow of a powerful beast. Gao Rush: Moves nimbly to unleash a high-speed barrage of punches.
Items: Flashlight. Spare underwear kept in pocket. Measuring tape.
Upgrades: tennis racket, but upgraded.
Specialty: Mastered war cry bark to let everyone know when someone is near front doors. Hard to sneak up on.
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