The door to 12C opened, and Kanoa raised her violet eyes to see who it was that had the privilege of being the first student to respond to her invitation. Jackson Ducarthym shuffled inside, giving her a stifled greeting before sitting down in the darkest part of the room with his hood over his head. Kanoa raised a brow and smiled a derisive grin. "Ya know, you're trying so hard not to stand out you're having the opposite effect." She said. Kanoa didn't know much about Jackson, other than the fact that he obviously wasn't very interested in letting [i]anyone[/i] know much about him. His mumbled greeting was the first time she'd heard his voice, it made her see gray. Gray was such an ambivalent color.

Soon enough another person walked in, Kanoa had to blink twice as she saw the strands of vibrant red hair on the short girl's head, bright reds were always so... Pushy. It was August Battaglia, someone that was a little infamous in the school. She introduced herself, and sat down on a desk. Kanoa mimicked the smile she gave. "Yes, this is the correct room, glad you could make it, August." She nodded. 

The next person to walk inside was Orion Ellis. Kanoa glared at him subconsciously. Orion bothered her for some reason, many reasons actually. She had nothing against him personally, however, nearly everything about him pervaded her with obtuse sensations. His voice was like static on an old CRT television, only bits of color specked here and there. And he smelled like... something, whatever it was it made her both aware and on guard at the same time. He took a seat near August, and called her Batty. What an unfortunate last name. "Occult, is the word of the day. Nice to see you could make it, Ellis." Kanoa's tense expression turned lackadaisical once more. 

Raven Bonnay then walked in, carrying with her a large round container. She greeted everyone with a smile, and said she had brought cupcakes. Kanoa's ears perked up, and she hopped off her seat. An over-sized blue ribbon on her chest bounced as she hurried over to the slew of desserts. She picked up a cupcake adorned with icing roses. "Raven Bonnay, these may be cakes, but you get many brownie points." She shoved the entire cupcake into her mouth. "Urm, a fru muh." She mumbled, in response to her question. It was then that Jackson began to have what looked like a psychotic episode, he was curled on the floor in pain mumbling to himself. Kanoa's chewing only slowed slightly as she glanced at him, though her attention was soon drawn towards Mary. 

A puff of purple smoke preceded her, at least Kanoa thought it was purple, she could never really be too sure. She didn't bother stating the ramifications of smoking in the school, instead she turned to her and greeted her. "Nif thu mim-..." She finally swallowed the cupcake. "you, Mary, thank you for coming. We won't be sacrificing any goats, not unless something comes up anyhow, you can never be too sure." She said, holding up a finger as if she were saying something factual. She then turned back to Jackson. She looked him over as he writhed in pain, he didn't appear to be sick, and she didn't see him injured.

"Hmm..." She glanced upwards, seeming to look at thin air. "I see... A possession." Kanoa whispered, reaching into a pocket on her skirt. She pulled out a thin strip of paper that was etched with strange symbols in the shapes of twisted Latin. She knelled down to Jackson's level and slapped the paper on his forehead. "That should keep things calm for a little while. You may feel a little stiff, but that will wear off. At least it should anyway."

As she stood back up she noticed that Maxwell had entered the room. "Oh, hello Maxwell. u-um, nice of you to come." Kanoa coughed anxiously into her arm and walked up to him. Maxwell's presence was a tad unnerving, though not in the same way as Orion's. Maxwell's voice was icy blue, and sent shivers down her spine. It was both inviting, yet frightening. "I've invited you all here for a reason, I assure you. We all have something in common, we know that there are strange things happening in this town. There are ghosts and spirits, perhaps a few monsters. So for those of you who believed that you were alone in noticing these things, you should know that you aren't alone." Kanoa moved to the center of the room, and took a seat in a chair. "I also have a proposition for you all, but first, I'd like to get to know you all better, if that is alright with you that is. My name is Kanoa Marigold, and I was born with the ability to perceive the supernatural. So my tether, my connection to the supernatural, makes me what is simply called a Natrual. Um, does anyone else want to introduce themselves?"