Jackson had given Kanoa a single, maddened smile before she placed the tag on, one of his eyes glowing silver as she'd feel a slight pressure against her throat and see a gnarled etherial limb grasping at her neck. But the second she placed the tag on, however, the glow disappeared, and with it the spectral arm, which was visible to all present due to their tethers. Jackson took a breath, coughing slightly as he did so due to irritation of his throat, but otherwise he was fine. 

"Th-thank you Kanoa, and I'm sorry for bothering you. That happens from time to time." Jackson then stood up, looking at those around him from under his hood with a cautious, and somewhat guilty, eye. He took another breath, this time to calm himself down before he spoke to everyone. "Uh,hello everyone, my name is Jackson Ducarthy and it's a pleasure to meet you I, uh, I hope we can all become fri- fri-," Jackson tried to say the word, but it wouldn't  he just couldn't, especially right after he had an attack. Clearing his throat, Jackson tried again, "I hope we can all get along." He finished silently, walking over quickly to grab a cupcake before siting back in his seat, taking a moment to gather his thoughts for what he was going to say and do next. With another clearing of throat and steadying of nerves, Jackson spoke up again, explaining his. . . condition to the rest.

"I'm a Natural as well, I guess, as I've been able to see and hear spirits all my life, though I did more hearing then seeing until recently. I also have an ability, though I've only acquired recently, and I despise it above all else. I obtained it after a. . . certain event happened that led to me being partially possessed by this spirit. This has given me a type of astral projection, an ability to project the spirit's soul to interact with the physical world, if you will allow me to demonstrate." 

Focusing, Jackson was surprised not to feel any pain and resistance as he called on Aphosis' soul, causing his eye to glow brightly, a trail of silver energy seeming bursting from it as he rose his hand towards one of the empty desks. From his hand came another gnarled limb, superimposed upon Jackson's arm for a second before shooting for the chair, gripping it by the back, and pulling it over to him. After he finished, he released his grip on Aphosis, and the energy and arm faded away. 

"I'm not sure how far I can take this ability, especially when the spirit resists. Something he does rather frequently. Also I warn you, be wary when I use this ability. It makes it easier for the spirit to wrest control of me, so please be careful. I don't wish to hurt anyone else with my blunders." With his piece said, Jackson went back to eating his cupcake, his normal eye being covered by the talisman Kanoa stuck in his head. What ever it was, it shut Aphosis up and he wasn't going to question it. And he sure as hell wasn't going to remove it, he didn't care how stupid it looked.