[quote=@Caits] Why does edo Karn call edo Sasha ice queen? Also, I'll start on a post but I have to work on one in another roleplay and it's quite hard [/quote] Because Edo-Sasha is overconfident and Edo-Karn she thinks she is the Queen and best of the guild. While also having not a lot faze her, so Ice. [quote=@CirusArvennicus] Trin: *snuggles up on Edo-Karn* [/quote] Edo-Karn: *pokes* [quote=@Demon Shinobi] Alright. Assuming not everyone goes to edolas. Who wants to fight a poison dragon? Not zero. Well yeah zero... But primarily the dragon. Anyone? I could make it into a job xD with help an permission. Again, assuming everyone doesn't go to edolas. [/quote] Karn would love to go see a dragon, but he's kinda dead tired xD