[quote=@Expolar] I like when I was reading the James post, he just assumes that they went to Edolas. I mean, with their magic energy suddenly vanishing could mean other things. For example: [List] [*]the group could of been teleported somewhere else in fiore or Earthland. [*]they could of died somehow, but that's just a worse case scenario. [*]or all magic there just somehow depleted. [/List] I'm not trying to say that james is wrong or shouldn't of said it. I'm just amazed that he was like. "Hmmm, they probably went to Edolas. Ya... That's sounds pretty reasonable with what I've been seeing around here." That was a really good assumption Lol. [/quote] Well, what other thing shoots a giant beam of teleporting light appears other than an anima XD And Chrome doesn't like the words teleporting and anima. Leave it to Google...