[quote=@Burthstone] Hey, at least he gets to ride back to the guild on a scale-model of a dragon look-alike. Edit: Also, James ignres the screaming woman. [/quote] Indeed, he shall be happy. Even if he ends up passing out xD And yes. James is cold hearted. [quote=@Caits] [quote=@Expolar] Feels like we should do just time skip to the next day for everyone to rest and recover. I have noticed that Karnataka has been mentioned of having quite the long day. Having a new day sounds like it would be good now that things are settling down in Earth land [/quote] Kinda hard to do with strangers in the guild in Earthland wanting someone. Insomnia sucks. [/quote] Except none of the members remaining in Earthland probably honestly don't know the person they are looking for xD