[quote=@YamiCuoreLaroux] With the wind suddenly knocked out of him, Kaiden jolted awake and cringed in pain before collapsing back on the flat surface. Eating was definitely out of the question now that his stomach had been used as a trampoline, and he definitely wasn't moving as long as he was in pain. Still holding onto his stomach with one hand, he reached into the folds of his jacket-pillow with the other and pulled out a real pillow to throw at the retreating figure. Without even looking over to make sure it hit, he pulled his jacket and lunch container over to the garden area in the hopes that the plants would provide some more shelter from the maniacs who seemed so bent on disturbing his almost-sleep. There wasn't much point in fighting when he could just take another nap, right? And some rest would probably help his stomach recover enough for him to eat something, right? [/quote] "Hey man! Mind if I sit here for lunch?" Eren said loudly as he smiled and ran up to take a seat. He would not take no for an answer so he just sat across from you.. "My name Eren! The totally awesome and single boy looking for his soul mate... and this my friend happens to be where most the girls have lunch on the roof witch is why I'm here." "So Your name is?" Eren was very talkative and a bit flamboyant...